Which game had the most fitting music?

My top sound scores for (my most favourized) games:

Wing Commander (George Oldziey did a good job - in Prophecy only the orchestral titles and not this softy techno or what ever it was).

Ultima 7-9.

Deus Ex.

Baldur's Gate 1-2

Planescape Torment

Warcraft 2-3

Anachronox a bit

Wizardry 8 (some themes)

Any works of Jeremy Soule (Giants, Neverwinter Nights, Morrowind, Icewind Dale)


and I forgot many titles.

It would be funny, if Dimmu Borgir make the soundtrack for Quake IV (like NIN for Doom III). Especially their misanthropic feeling of melodic black and a bit industrial Metal will be Strogg compatible.
Ouch, this is one of those questions where it's largely impossible to limit your answer to only one title...

Grim Fandango *Smites all who disagree*
Planescape Torment, naturally.
Though it's generally few occasions impossibly far apart, I feel compelled to mention every Final Fantasy from 6 and onwards.
Wing Commander 3!!!1
WCP, first music-bundle-thingy.
Sam & Max Hit the road - messed-up music for the single most messed-up game in all history (no consideration taken to the Larry-series, which I haven't played).
Oo! Ooo! *Bounce bounce* Shining Force (1) on the Mega Drive/Genesis! Wheeeeeee! Awesome for its era, considering resources. The likes of Neverwinter Nights kind of makes it look obsolete these days, but... you know... Shining Force is TEH WIN!!!1 :)
Wing Commander III is probably the one that gets stuck in my head the most often. Final Fantasy Tactics is another as well as ActRaiser.
Sycorax said:
Thief and Thief 2, what little music there was.

Thief2's music was from Subway to Sally. I loved the intro. This is perhaps the best 1st person game ever.
The best was...

...Wing Commander III, IV and Prophecy all had the best music of the WC series. Out of those 3 I feel that WC III definitely had the best music...
The game I think has the most "fitting" music is Vice City. Loads and loads of cheesey '80s music. :cool:
As to my favorite game music:
Quidditch World Cup has some cool music
The Minibosses' rendition of Contra
Ghost Recon & Ranbow Six
Full Throttle
and of course WC
The music that has stuck with me the most though is Unknown Enemy. For months after finishing it I found myself humming the music for no reason.
I was a fan of Homeworld:Cataclysm's music too. It always felt so dark.

Thief 2 brought me back to FPS games for the first time in a while, but I though the first (which I played after the second) was somewhat better of a game storywise at least.
My favorite game music, regardless of how much I liked the game would be:

Grim Fandango - Peter McConnell's best work ever. A combination of mexican salsa, moody violins, swing, bebop and jazz, all with a strong sense of thematic coherence. It's very difficult to get fifteen thousand elements and mix them together in a manner that makes them even remotely palatable, but somehow McConnell did it.

Ghost Recon - No, I didn't actually get to play it, but it's the best reproduction of bombastic Hans Zimmer like scores I've ever seen. And in a game about a super-secret and elite task force that just as much belongs in a Jerry Bruckheimer movie, you can't ask for anything else.

The Myth Series - The first two installments didn't really have much in the way of music, actually. Music was only heard outside of missions and mostly in the briefing dialogs that came in the form of journal entries written by one soldier in the war. With somber piano and several subdued instrumental elements, the music accurately portrayed the feeling of helplessness and hopelessness in an possibly unwinnable war.