which game(beside WC) would you like to have a sequel?

TopGun said:
Monkey Island

Yes!!! Although I didn't care much for the graphics or controls in Escape. I would love for them to go back to 2d-based graphics. It always made me feel like I was playing a hilarious interactive comic book.
LeHah said:
American Revolt was nigh impossible

Have you (or anyone else) actually beaten American Revolt? I only managed to accomplish some missions but I think it wasn't even half of them.

Completely agree with you an Syndiate Wars too. I liked having nuclear grenades and bringing buildings down with them. :)
the follow up of Jedi Academy. and then realy the part of what happens if you fall to the dark side and still have that staff
Yeah, it would be nice to have a Jedi Knight game that took the dark side ending from the predecessor as base for the next one.
Anxiety said:
the metal gear series and the chrono series, although they are coming out with sequels (at least with metal gear, there is no real information on another chrono game)
Actually Square-Enix had a patent on the name "Chrono Break" but they have since let it drop, saying there will be no further installments in the series. Very unfortunate that....

I'd like to see another sequel to the Privateer series, one with multiplayer capabilities! I think it would be cool playing either coop with friends or just gunning each other down inside asteroid fields. And I agree, another Syndicate would also be cool.
Hey, I agree with all of the above, but I think you forget one:

Crusader: No Remorse/No Regret

Man, I loved that game. I want to know what happens with my solo fight against the WEC.

Not much chance it will ever happen, I guess.

Kyrandia 4

I suppose that would be great. What ever happened to those games where you just go around and talk to people and figure stuff out. No killing at all. Sigh.
I wouldn't believe news from SPonG so fast... They're kinda suspect. They show up on EVERY issue of Gamespot's Rumour Control.

Why would we need Civ4 so soon, considering the amount of fresh new Civ3 stuff around? =)

A decent MOO sequel would be nice.

And although I really like Torment, is kinda like a closed story. They would need to tell another, different one, the Nameless One's tale is over =) Considering that WotC dropped the franchise entirelly, that Interplay lost the D&D license and that Black Isle is gone... chances are REALLY low. I think it is more probable that we get a complete revamped Ultima 1-9 series with updated graphics...

I liked SyndWars. You could blow up banks and steal the money! and no more need to carry 4 miniguns and lots of Ghost in the Shell ads... But the music of the original is the best EVER.

Another Knights of the Old Republic would be great... Really amazing game. And a CoD2 with better tied missions and story.

And System motherfucking Shock 3, 4, 5 and 6.
And a playable non-xbox Deus Ex. And Half-Life 2 (I don't believe it exists until they start selling it =).
And Mechwarrior 5.
And MW Mercenaries 3...
And Freelancer 2
and the list goes one...
Another 2-d Monkey Island! And how about a sequel to that Prince of Persia game that just came out? That was a fun game, but way too short.