Urge to kill rising.
Originally posted by WildWeasel
Urge to kill rising.
Originally posted by Ladiesman^
I can't tell you what i'd do it for. I don't really know. I breifly considered enlisting after 9/11, but that was more out of sheer anger. Living just a bit outside NYC and having a father who may or may not have been working in the WTC, not to mention my one day I spent there (i'm a firefighter, and a few us decided to take an engine and go up there on 9/12. I didn't get very far in, and stood by the truck and handed out water and stuff. We left that same day, because we really weren't supposed to be up there at all.)
Basically, I would fight for whatever they wanted me too. It wouldn't be my first choice of things to do, but if I were drafted or something i'd go do my part with no fuss. The fighting isn't the thing that turns me away abit, it's the military lifestyle. I'll gladly fight for my country...but I REALLY don't want to join the military.
Originally posted by Ender
Which is more important "security" or liberty?
Originally posted by Ender
Which is more important "security" or liberty?
Originally posted by Knitewing
I was in the navy during the Gulf WAr and Somalia. Trust me there is nothing nice about fighting. Military life isn't so bad once you get used to it. It's the fighting I didn't like. I'ld do it again if it were necessary to defend my family, my country or my planet but there's nothing to enjoy about it.
Originally posted by Skyfire
Do we have another Liberatarian around?![]()
I always find people like you highly amusing. You would actually feel safe in a society where anyone can pull out a gun and shoot you? Guns are not nuclear weapons - they make lousy deterrents, because there is no mutually-assured destruction involved.Originally posted by Zarathustra
Well skyfire, i believe there is another libertarian around here. Security is nice, but not at the expense of liberty. I'm all for feeling safe and secure but AFTER my liberties are guaranteed. And if I cannot have security without sacrificing my liberty, than I'll just have to get a gun (guaranteed by the second amendment of the Constitution to any pro gun control liberals reading this). My right to live my life as i see fit, is more important than your desire to feel safe.
Originally posted by Quarto
I always find people like you highly amusing. You would actually feel safe in a society where anyone can pull out a gun and shoot you? Guns are not nuclear weapons - they make lousy deterrents, because there is no mutually-assured destruction involved.