What time frame would a new WC be in?


My dumb-ass plan aside IF EA were make a new WC game, what would it it be? Would it continue with the Arena time frame, possibly requiring another new lead, or would they simply continue directly from Prophecy and SO to keep Casey around for a bit? Since there was some room for maneuvering with the S*S mention of the Midway, there would be plenty of time to figure out what happened to it, although to be missing for 20 years probably wouldn't a good ending for a game. Thoughts anyone?

BTW: This is assuming that its a space sim, not an XBLA game.
The end of the S*S timeline certainly looks like setup for continuing the story of the Nephilim war.
Not too terribly interested in the Nephilim war... there's a lot of history of the Kilrathi War I'd like to see in game form.
I'd like to see a game that takes place right after Secret Ops. I want to take the fight to the bugs!
I'd love to see a re-telling of the WC saga, starting from the Pilgrims, through to the Kilrathi war and up to the end of Secret Ops. Tolwyn or Blair narrating the whole thing no less...
It would be a great way to re-boot the series.

The Nephilim have lots of potental to become a worthy foe, they just need to be fleshed out more.
Not too terribly interested in the Nephilim war... there's a lot of history of the Kilrathi War I'd like to see in game form.

I know we'd all like to see the great stories of the Kilrathi War filled in... but lets face it: we are a small number of huge nerds. My experience with Electronic Arts is that they're not interested in 'going back' to a story that people already know the ending to at this point. I think you'll find that a lot of the background material in Arena is intentionally developed to 'set up' a blank slate in the Wing Commander universe -- allowing a *new* conflict between humans and Kilrathi.

Or how about two strong narratives

game size doesn't matter to me anymore...

I have three hard drives to fill

Sorry - game length is going to keep going down rather than up... while space is no longer at a premium, the amount of money required for developing a title *is*. The million dollars that bought you a forty hour game ten years ago won't buy you a five minute demo today.
A second Kilrathi war might be good. Perhaps one Kilrathi warlord rises to the top and re-unifies the clans with promises of a return of the Empire's glory.
what about Nephilim conflict- I mean Star*Soldier deliberatly leaves the gap in the history of that conflict - we know that Terren-Kilrathi Allience did win it, and a little bit about some encounters, but nothing abot actual strategic movements and so on. I felt that they were leaving space for a new game.

This looks similar to what EA did with Command & Conquer 3 - the actuall game leaves many questions, espetialy about Kane (what happend to his Implands., When he came back after his apparent dissaperance and apparent death after Tiberian Sun and so on), witch are expected to be clariefied in the Expantion witch is going to be partially a prequel.
I guess I would be very content if the game just had a good story, atmosphere and a good gameplay...

So the setting and time ain't very important as long as it look and feel good...
The nerd inside of me craves to have a new WC game set during the 'original' Kilrathi War. However, I am certainly sensible enough to recognize the need to expand the universe rather than reexamine an old story.

That being said, I'm not sure how I feel about a 'new Kilrathi' conflict. It's probably not a fair conclusion, but I worry that it is too simple and predictable a path to go down. I think the danger here would be that it could potentially harm the image and integrity of the first conflict. In other words, it might make the previous conflict seem insignificant to new fans of the series.

Now, that might be totally off base. Perhaps if the fiction surrounding the new conflict is well thought-out, we will avoid the above scenario. My reaction could simply be the nerd in me trying in vain to protect the original story around which Wing Commander evolved. I like the Kilrathi-Terran history as it stands, and I want to make sure newcomers realize the defining and epic importance that conflict had...

What do others think?
That being said, I'm not sure how I feel about a 'new Kilrathi' conflict. [snip] What do others think?

For me Privateer was a new Kilrathi conflict. They were the same kats in the same dralthi, but... it just didn't feel the same. I wasn't a soldier and they weren't a standing enemy. I was a self-made man and they were a contract (or a way to ease my boredom). That lone makes Privateer a lot of fun for me. I think a new fight with the Kilrathi could be fun. I'd certainly be up for something along the lines of False Colors set post-Neph war, a second round of the Kilrathi war, or something else entirely. Just let me shoot at them is all I ask. The cease-fire is killing me...
I'd like to return to the Nephilim war in a way that requires no knowledge of Prophecy/SO. There's a few options, a Shenmue for XBox style movie of Prophecy, a remake of the game etc, but I think the franchise needs to move forward.
My suggestion, off the top of my head, would be to jump forward time, to a character that lost his family during the events of Prophecy/SO (I know I know, another orphan), this would give the writers a good window into those events for people new to the series but allow for a 21t century reboot.
The war having taken its toll, present the kind of bleak outlook we saw in some of the earlier games, put the confederation at the brink of defeat, really convey the scale of the conflict somehow as well. Normally I'm not a fan of dark scenarios as there's a tendancy to populate them with buzz cut marines to save the day, but Wing Commander always did character very well, each person hanging on to their sanity (or not) in his or her own way.

Story telling is crucial to me, I know this is outside the confines of the topic but I would like to be able to explore the carrier personally, talk to various characters if and when I choose to. I've long had this image in my head of the scramble alarm going off from a surprise attack, and being in control as you run to the fighter bay.

I do agree however that the Kilrathi are the more interesting enemy, but we should remember how far they were developed, and how comparatively little attention the Nephilim got. If anything however the lack of exploration just leaves the door wide open to new ideas. Besides there would be plenty of room to explore the Kilrtathi as a race, even if they were just allies.
I'd love to see a privateer redux. I really liked that I wasn't personally at war with the kilrathi, I was at war with the gemini sector.

I picked and chose battles as I saw fit.