Sports. (Sigh.) I never was one for organized sports. I just normally ran around and did my own thing. But every once in a while, I'd get in a game of volleyball, (I sucked, cause I'm short. Much shorter, then.) Softball, a lead off home run because everyone moved in, and I hit it over the outfielder's head, barely, and it went all the way to the fence. And I hustled! I also broke my hand in a softball game once, the ol' 10 year high school reunion. I hit a crappy roller to the third baseman, and hit first base wierd and wiped out real bad. I beat the throw, though!

Anyway, the first baseman came up to me and asked if I was O.K., at the time I thought I had just sprained my hand, so I said I was fine. He said, "Oh shit! We're in trouble." At the time, I thought that was a strange thing for him to say, but later I figured that maybe he heard the bones snap or something.
That was really the last time I played a sport, but I've always been into shooting. I don't do clays, though, I'm a rifle and pistol kind of guy. Don't even own a shotgun.