What bout the simulator?

I was playing it with a Rapier 2, but I'll try it with an Epee tomorrow(it's probably also a little easier with ITTS)
Good night!
Also, I highly recommend trying the gauntlet with a Crossbow. You won't be flying the Crossbow in episode 3... but when you do finally get to fly it, you can bet that knowing how to survive large groups of enemies will be a most useful skill ;).
on the subject of the crossbow, didn't it have afterburners? i thought the broadsword was the only one without it.
Compared to the Broadsword, the Crossbow is 50 kps faster, is more agile, has no side turrets, and has a pair of Neutron Cannons to add to its triple Mass Drivers. The other specs for it are pretty much identical to the Broadsword--it has the same ordnance loadout and the same shield and armor strength.
Fatcat said:
Are ships like the Broadsword and Raptor going to be added to the simulator later?
They already are in there. WCP has only seven simulator ship slots that are normally accessible, and there is no way to increase this number - but there is another seven slots that you can get to using the alswantsmoreships cheat.
One thing about the simulator. I find some missions very dark. Mainly the 3th one (ambush? The one we have to fly near a Clydesdale). Even with the gamma corretion to the max, the thing is very dark. Can you change the light source?
Absolutely not. I've already had this discussion with some of the staff who felt the same way you do. This mission is supposed to be this dark - it's a part of the challenge.

(besides, it's not actually dark - it's lit with a very bright light, but only from one direction; if you can't see the ship you're escorting, you just have to manoeuvre around to its other flank)
It certainly is dark, but not too dark IMHO. However this largely depends on your screen. My old CRT for example practically needed PowerStrip for any game in order to enforce a higher gamma value.
Quarto said:
Also, I highly recommend trying the gauntlet with a Crossbow. You won't be flying the Crossbow in episode 3... but when you do finally get to fly it, you can bet that knowing how to survive large groups of enemies will be a most useful skill ;).
Well, I tried it with a Crossbow, and got wasted in wave 6 already, do you have tips on how to get further? (i was never very good at flying in a crossbow, evading enemy fire at 370 kps without afterburner, IMO there's a reason bombers are given fighter escorts)
Confed said:
Well, I tried it with a Crossbow, and got wasted in wave 6 already, do you have tips on how to get further? (i was never very good at flying in a crossbow, evading enemy fire at 370 kps without afterburner, IMO there's a reason bombers are given fighter escorts)
Spin around a lot. Might sound futile when you're in a bomber, but you must make sure not to stay in one place too long. Other than that, always take care of the Drakhri and Sartha first - not only because they carry dumbfires, but also because they can be killed in one salvo, which certainly helps reduce the odds. Finally, don't just fly around using full guns all the time. By default, use the mass drivers, and then switch to full guns when you're going head-to-head with someone or right on the tail of some slow, powerful ship. This way, you'll still kill just as effectively, but you won't waste as much energy.
Drakhri are also the only Kilrathi fighters besides Gothri that can both shoot at a Crossbow from outside of the latter's gun range AND can fly fast enough to STAY out of the 'bow's range. This means that they can snipe at you with their guns while you are helpless to stop them, so taking them out should be a priority.