Website Update, August 7th

Wow, you guys are totally going the extra mile on this...and the engine looks incredible. Excellent work! I have only one minor criticism - I can't help but think that the stars need to be tiled more than they are...perhaps twice as much? The pixelation is quite apparent.
The pixelation is because that screenshot was originally widescreen, and someone just decided to crop it into 4:3. :p

On top of that, our widescreen mode is still a work in progress (probably to be completed after release, via a patch), right now it uses the same FOV angle as WCP's original 4:3 screen did... which also means the background seems closer than it should be.
I meant below the Hakaga. The orange dots. Particle cannon is purple, lasers are red bolts, mass drivers are silver, neutrons are blue, but these are orange, so flak is the only thing I can think of. Actually, now that I look at old screenshots, it almost certainly is the old flak effect, but I'm not used to seeing it so far way.

Ahh yes I see it now. Yes that is flak firing off from the Rigakh towards...something :p
You guys sure are nuts. On the other hand, a finished product of this level will sure look nice on the ol' alumni.

I hope the completion of this mod will encourage other teams to finish theirs.

I can't believe I've been waiting for this to come out for two years already. Looks like waiting for ep 5 until I start playing really pays off in earnest.
Well you only have to wait another 23 hours and 38 minutes...since we'll go live with the 8pm EST birthday updates...well at least I'm pretty sure... :D

You are all in for an amazing ride! And for those who have managed to stave off playing until the whole game was out...kudos to you and get ready for a great experience. Even though I've been testing Ep5 almost none stop for the last few months, I know I'll be starting a fresh game soon and spending some time going through every mission...all over again :p
You guys sure are nuts. On the other hand, a finished product of this level will sure look nice on the ol' alumni.

I hope the completion of this mod will encourage other teams to finish theirs.

I can't believe I've been waiting for this to come out for two years already. Looks like waiting for ep 5 until I start playing really pays off in earnest.

Only two years? Lucky! I've been waiting since 2004 :-p
Is it your intention to keep standoff download-only, or would you ever consider allowing/(licensing?) a games magazine to put it on the bundled disc. (I bought my full secret ops originally as a demodisc of a british magazine.)
The pixelation is because that screenshot was originally widescreen, and someone just decided to crop it into 4:3. :p

On top of that, our widescreen mode is still a work in progress (probably to be completed after release, via a patch), right now it uses the same FOV angle as WCP's original 4:3 screen did... which also means the background seems closer than it should be.

I understand that with the patching system in place this could be downloaded in the future automatically, but I would like to ask for a downloadable version, so that the -hopefully few- of us who don't have an internet connection at home can transfer it to that PC via the USB.

Anyways, it is magnificent to see that the wait of many years is so close to being realized. It's always refreshing and invigorating to see a promise made good upon.

Here's a small piece of stone-masonry which begun to be constructed this day, many years ago...
Is it your intention to keep standoff download-only, or would you ever consider allowing/(licensing?) a games magazine to put it on the bundled disc. (I bought my full secret ops originally as a demodisc of a british magazine.)
Well... let's be honest - does anyone outside of this really tiny fan community care about Standoff? If our game is downloaded by even a few thousand people, we'll be happy... so I don't think we're good material for a magazine disk :).

But more importantly... no :). We would absolutely not give permission to anyone to distribute Standoff on a cover disk or in any other commercial form. Standoff contains a great deal of copyrighted material that does not belong to us. Nobody seems to mind this... because it's a free mod distributed over the internet. But if a magazine were to pick it up, they would, theoretically, be making profit off Standoff (those magazine disks aren't free, you know - very often, people play the price of the magazine specifically to get the disk). That would end very, very badly for all parties involved.

I understand that with the patching system in place this could be downloaded in the future automatically, but I would like to ask for a downloadable version, so that the -hopefully few- of us who don't have an internet connection at home can transfer it to that PC via the USB.
Each of our patches is basically a self-enclosed installer, so I'm sure this will not be a problem :).
Only two years? Lucky! I've been waiting since 2004 :-p

Yeah, I know many of you have done that, I've done the same with the unfortunate KotOR 2: Sith Lords Restoration project (haven't played the original because of it....and now it looks like another group fed up with waiting releases their own restoration first).

What I meant that the two years felt like half a year or a year at best, I didn't realize that much time had already passed. I'm sure it feels a bit different to our tireless modders...

Errr, did I say alumni? Naturally I meant resume. Don't know how I got those two mixed up. Must have been the 3am posting time.

Hmmm. Tomorrow (Finnish time) I'll be playing Standoff, and after that WC3, 4 and Prophecy. Yeah, that's right - I put off my Wing Commander series playthrough for two years because of Standoff :)
At the risk of spoiling the excitement a bit, I have to say we're still having some trouble. The game is virtually ready for release, except for two things - the sim missions are terribly under-tested (and one of them is kinda under-cooked :p)... and there's a pretty nasty bug in the game somewhere, that causes things to crash quite a bit.

Sim missions we're not really worried about - worst-case, we'll keep them out of the current package, and release them once they're all fully tried-and-tested as a patch a few days later (yeah, we wanted to avoid that... but hey, can't have everything you want). That bug, though... strictly speaking, we can release the game with it, we know enough about it to suggest a more or less reasonable work-around. But we don't like it, and we're gonna be working right up to the last minute to fix it.
Sim missions we're not really worried about - worst-case, we'll keep them out of the current package, and release them once they're all fully tried-and-tested as a patch a few days later (yeah, we wanted to avoid that... but hey, can't have everything you want). That bug, though... strictly speaking, we can release the game with it, we know enough about it to suggest a more or less reasonable work-around. But we don't like it, and we're gonna be working right up to the last minute to fix it.

Agreed, the sim missions can wait.

If the bug only affects episode 5, how about still releasing the improved earlier episodes at least? I know I'll be playing the first four episodes for a good while before I get to 5.
Agreed, the sim missions can wait.

If the bug only affects episode 5, how about still releasing the improved earlier episodes at least? I know I'll be playing the first four episodes for a good while before I get to 5.

Well until actually late last night we thought it only did affect Episode 5 missions....then Quarto found it will happen in the prologue as well.

Pierre and Quarto are hard at work trying to nail the bastard down, but like Q said, we do know a way to at least work around it if we can't nail it completely by this evening.
Well, no big deal, we can wait if need be.

Hmm. I think a project of this scale deserves attention in mainstream games sites, too - you got it handled?

Enough interest for this project might just get the publishers interested in Wing Commander again. Who holds the license these days?
So err lads do you think that it would make it tonight?

The hard work is very much appreciated though, would love to see this get more attention.