Okay, so what happened back at Concordia is a separate combat action. There are six combatants, the three Jalkehi (Blackeye 1-3), Concordia, Maverick and Shadow. The order of battle winds up as Blackeye3, Blackeye1, Blackeye2, Concordia, Maverick and Shadow.
Blackeye3 is first. Since Jalkehis aren't torpedo-equipped (go check the stats - I swear up and down that the Grikaths simply hadn't gotten there yet), he and his colleagues will all gang up on Maverick. The range roll comes out a comfortable 1, so Blackeye3 just rips lose with full guns against Maverick's EHD...of natural 00. The rolls come up as 32, 91, 62, 21 and 49; the 91 is a critical miss against Blackeye1. The HD Check comes up as 66, so only normal damage from a laser - 18 points - occurs. Blackeye1 is reduced to 132 SHP. Blackeye3 stands-by on his second action.
Blackeye1 rolls 12 for range against Maverick, so he afterburns to range 6 and begins establishing ImRec lock. He's still not in gun range, so he readies an Immelman.
Blackeye2 targets Maverick and gets range 11, so he afterburns to range 5, in range of his Lasers. Blackeye2 cuts lose with the lasers on EHD 00 - results are 08, 51, 58 and 40, all misses.
Concordia now gets its turn, targeting Blackeye3. The range roll comes up as 1; Concordia moves for good measure to Range Zero and cuts lose with its seven AMGs on an EHD of 30. The results are 41, 19, 00, 74, 09, 11 and 77; that's three hits plus one critical hit for double damage, 1500 damage total - enough to give Blackeye3 138% Core Damage and destroy him outright. Vaporkitty.......
Maverick's up next. He targets Blackeye1 and rolls for range, which comes up as 6. He simply moves into gun range (3) and fires off his guns. Blackeye1 attempts his Immelman - a result of 62 on a DC of 25, so that fails and Maverick can use an EHD of 69. The attack results are 95 and 39, one hit and one critical miss against Shadow. Maverick checks the EHD of 32 against Shadow and rolls an 89, so only normal damage occurs; both Shadow and Blackeye1 take 45 points of damage. This knocks Blackeye1's SHP down to 87 and Shadow's SHP down to 15.
Shadow makes her move last, targeting Blackeye1. Her range roll comes up as 3, so she moved into gun range (3) and fires off her guns; the EHD is 58. The results are 87 and 00; the double zero is a critical hit, good enough for five hits at double damage. Blackeye1 takes 450 points of damage, enough to give him 24% Core Damage. His ITS comes up as 94 and the Cat is scratched.
End of the round: Blackeye2 gets his lasers back for the next round, Maverick and Shadow gets one Mass Driver back, and Concordia recharges all seven of its AMGs. Shadow regains no SHP; she has a Defenses Score of zero.
So on to Round Two:
Blackeye2, the last Cat standing, is up first. He rolls 2d10 for range against Maverick and gets a 10, so he afterburns to close the range to 4, close enough for full guns. He has an EHD of natural 00 against Maverick, but what the hell, right? Results are 88, 13, 77, 63 and 40, a clean miss all around.
Concordia's up next; she targets Blackeye2, the last Cat standing, and rolls a range of 6. She closes to range 5 and fires off her Antimatter Guns at an EHD of 25. The results come up as 05, 42, 98, 63, 99, 64 and hit and two critical misses. Concordia checks EHD on Maverick and the result is normal damage, for all the more good it does - 300 points of damage are applied to Blackeye2, while 600 are applied to Maverick. That's enough for 18% Core damage to Blackeye2; the ITS check comes up as 03, so he explodes in a big fiery ball that's visible from space......which is probably what you'd expect, given that he was in space at the time. The 600 points give Maverick 40% Core Damage, enough even with the mighty Heart of the Tiger's non-zero Internal Systems score to knock the DC down to natural 00...and comes up 19. Time for Taps, or at least it would be if that was anybody besides the Coward of K'Tithrak Mang...
With no-one left to shoot at, Shadow lands on Concordia's deck. She probably still doesn't survive long enough to retire...
...and that's it. The first WCRPG Combat Demo is in the bag. Comments? Complaints? Wild, profanity-laced rants?
Blackeye3 is first. Since Jalkehis aren't torpedo-equipped (go check the stats - I swear up and down that the Grikaths simply hadn't gotten there yet), he and his colleagues will all gang up on Maverick. The range roll comes out a comfortable 1, so Blackeye3 just rips lose with full guns against Maverick's EHD...of natural 00. The rolls come up as 32, 91, 62, 21 and 49; the 91 is a critical miss against Blackeye1. The HD Check comes up as 66, so only normal damage from a laser - 18 points - occurs. Blackeye1 is reduced to 132 SHP. Blackeye3 stands-by on his second action.
Blackeye1 rolls 12 for range against Maverick, so he afterburns to range 6 and begins establishing ImRec lock. He's still not in gun range, so he readies an Immelman.
Blackeye2 targets Maverick and gets range 11, so he afterburns to range 5, in range of his Lasers. Blackeye2 cuts lose with the lasers on EHD 00 - results are 08, 51, 58 and 40, all misses.
Concordia now gets its turn, targeting Blackeye3. The range roll comes up as 1; Concordia moves for good measure to Range Zero and cuts lose with its seven AMGs on an EHD of 30. The results are 41, 19, 00, 74, 09, 11 and 77; that's three hits plus one critical hit for double damage, 1500 damage total - enough to give Blackeye3 138% Core Damage and destroy him outright. Vaporkitty.......
Maverick's up next. He targets Blackeye1 and rolls for range, which comes up as 6. He simply moves into gun range (3) and fires off his guns. Blackeye1 attempts his Immelman - a result of 62 on a DC of 25, so that fails and Maverick can use an EHD of 69. The attack results are 95 and 39, one hit and one critical miss against Shadow. Maverick checks the EHD of 32 against Shadow and rolls an 89, so only normal damage occurs; both Shadow and Blackeye1 take 45 points of damage. This knocks Blackeye1's SHP down to 87 and Shadow's SHP down to 15.
Shadow makes her move last, targeting Blackeye1. Her range roll comes up as 3, so she moved into gun range (3) and fires off her guns; the EHD is 58. The results are 87 and 00; the double zero is a critical hit, good enough for five hits at double damage. Blackeye1 takes 450 points of damage, enough to give him 24% Core Damage. His ITS comes up as 94 and the Cat is scratched.
End of the round: Blackeye2 gets his lasers back for the next round, Maverick and Shadow gets one Mass Driver back, and Concordia recharges all seven of its AMGs. Shadow regains no SHP; she has a Defenses Score of zero.
So on to Round Two:
Blackeye2, the last Cat standing, is up first. He rolls 2d10 for range against Maverick and gets a 10, so he afterburns to close the range to 4, close enough for full guns. He has an EHD of natural 00 against Maverick, but what the hell, right? Results are 88, 13, 77, 63 and 40, a clean miss all around.
Concordia's up next; she targets Blackeye2, the last Cat standing, and rolls a range of 6. She closes to range 5 and fires off her Antimatter Guns at an EHD of 25. The results come up as 05, 42, 98, 63, 99, 64 and hit and two critical misses. Concordia checks EHD on Maverick and the result is normal damage, for all the more good it does - 300 points of damage are applied to Blackeye2, while 600 are applied to Maverick. That's enough for 18% Core damage to Blackeye2; the ITS check comes up as 03, so he explodes in a big fiery ball that's visible from space......which is probably what you'd expect, given that he was in space at the time. The 600 points give Maverick 40% Core Damage, enough even with the mighty Heart of the Tiger's non-zero Internal Systems score to knock the DC down to natural 00...and comes up 19. Time for Taps, or at least it would be if that was anybody besides the Coward of K'Tithrak Mang...
With no-one left to shoot at, Shadow lands on Concordia's deck. She probably still doesn't survive long enough to retire...
...and that's it. The first WCRPG Combat Demo is in the bag. Comments? Complaints? Wild, profanity-laced rants?