WCPedia - Progress Update

There's also a "PROJECT AJAX" in the main and cinematic missions file, but I don't remember seeing this ingame.
It's the only one I haven't been able to locate. I think it must be cut content.

Here's a spreadsheet!

I know this is more than a decade late, but in case anyone anywhere is searching: SULAKO is in the SOS mission "CIS Shuttle 013AZL". It's the name given to the shuttle... but it explodes before you can target it!
I'm not so sure. I completed the mission before getting close to the shuttle, and that stopped it exploding. It just had a normal ship ID number. A similar mission with an exploding ship is the Von Sprechen one, and again, if you complete the mission before approaching the ship, you can scan it without it exploding and it's called FATHER'S PRIDE.

EDIT: The Dana Kay SOS mission, which is the one after Von Sprechen, also has an exploding ship (a Monolith). This one has a normal ID number. Sometimes you jump in right next to it, so it explodes instantly before you have a chance to do anything.

I think there's something missing in the spreadsheet in the SOS section: DISABLED SHIP is not just used in the Kiowan SOS mission but also in Nation Cargo 1, I think.
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There's also a "PROJECT AJAX" in the main and cinematic missions file, but I don't remember seeing this ingame.

Privateer 2 has a number of soccer (Football) references as discussed.

Ajax are a Dutch club from Amsterdam as many of you may know, and were extremely popular and successful. At the time of Privateer 2's development they were especially good, winning the European Champions League for 94/95. So I wonder if this was a proposed nod to them?

Either that, or Project Ajax was a nod to cleaning a vast stainless steel kitchen.
In that spreadsheet, I believe the three entries under Sat-Nav should actually be under Com-Link. Com-Link is the one where you collect four fragile crates, three of which use those descriptions and the fourth of which has a normal ID number; Sat-Nav is the one where you defend a base and as far as I know, everything at the base (SpaceDudes, satellites, lasertowers etc.) has a normal ID number.