WC4 Mod For Homeworld 2 In The Works (June 5, 2006)

Thanks for the map link, Bob.:)

Unfortunately, the hosting site for the website where the pack is hosted has suspended the account, so I can't download the Legacy map pack. I did however, manage to find some links to other HW2 map packs here -- I'll give some of these a bash later on.

Regarding the name, Aaron hasn't mentioned anything yet and I've been too busy grabbing reference images, videos and testing to give much thought to it, although I have been meaning to ask. I've just sent some feedback to Aaron and mentioned the naming issue, so we may have some clarification shortly. :)

As far as the capital ship movement and speed issues go, I'm sure you guys will be more than happy with the current implementation and feeling -- all of the fighters sport accurate stats, even if the speed scale has been relatively tweaked and any future speed adjustments should be fairly easy to implement, should the need arise (correct me if I'm wrong, czacen or TonViper :p ).

The fighter movement is very fluid as you should see shortly in the gameplay preview (any jerks were due to my overburned PC while recording the footage with FRAPs). The capships also move very realistically I would say -- watching a destroyer or cruiser approach a target and turn to fire a broadside volley is a sight to behold, as seen in the attached screenshot from the preview, where the UBW cruiser in the distance is about to explode! The capships also take evasive action and will move out of the way of a passing ship if it's too close. :D

Performance-wise, the Confed Beta runs very smoothly on my fairly old AGP system (Athlon XP2400+, 1GB RAM, ATI X1600 Pro 256MB) with all in-game options maxed out at 1024x768 with 4xAA/16xHQ AF -- 1600x1200 is playable with AA disabled.




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Another entry from LeHah's Department Of Wishful Thinking

Is there any way to implement "naming" on ships? This is something thats always bothered me about Homeworld. It's nice that you can group ships - so why can't you NAME them. Seeing an escort carrier is one thing - seeing the Victory coming at you is even better!
BrynS said:
Thanks for the map link, Bob.:)

Unfortunately, the hosting site for the website where the pack is hosted has suspended the account, so I can't download the Legacy map pack.

I have the legacy map pack zip on my comp. If you want, I can mail it to you...
TonViper is your system back on its legs? we need to get those excel files going buddy, let me know when your firing on all cylinders again. also how goes the AI work so far? Mjr. Whoopass i think you made some very good points. i agree with what you said a lot. it will be fun :), and we can always tweak the finer details in diff versions, so dont worry we will arrive at the optimal/fun settings soon enough. Lehah i will be changing maps. but thats really last. i mean really, that kind of stuff is only absolutely prudent in SP/campaign.
Bandit LOAF said:
The Victory is a light carrier.

Light carrier, escort carrier... there really isn't all that much difference. That Victory's a little larger and a little tougher, that's about it. Probably carries a few more fighters too.

BTW czacen, did you get that PM I sent you? If so, what'd you think? Workable ideas or no?
yep Crazy J, got your PM. just hashing out some technical probs right now. such as the shields and cap ship weapons fx and stuff. ill PM you back soon.
Just viewed the preview movies...and now I have to get HW2. Great mod, good looking stuff and allready nice to just look at.

As for the style. Will fighters and caps get visible shots..not just the muzzleflash and the inpact animation or will it stay as it is now?
Anyway it will be it allready looks fantastic and I can't wait for the mod.

Reminds me...I have seen as factions you will have Confed, Boarderworlds, Kilrathi and BL is that right? Are they all playable?
As for the BL...I might still have the transport and carrier somewhere as max or 3ds file. If you like I could search for them..maybe you could use them as referance. I have to say that these models are of older date so they aren't that good.
gevatter Lars said:
As for the style. Will fighters and caps get visible shots..not just the muzzleflash and the inpact animation or will it stay as it is now?

Depends on the weapon. You can see the beam from ion canons, but not from flack turrets. With Homeworld (2), theres a couple different effects because theres several weapons used.
Mh I have only played HW1 a long time ago but I think I remeber bolds from capships turrets..or was that Cataclysm?
Well anyway it would give the game a nice touch to have, if possible. Thinking about the SW mod...wasn't their quite some laserfire shown in the pics?
Thanks for the comments guys -- glad you enjoyed it. Aaron has done a great job with the models and textures and just about everything else. :D

Magnum said:
That preview looks great. Question: Do any cap ships have torpedoes?
No, but the Confed Destroyer, UBW Cruiser and a still undetermined Black Lance capship will have a Capital Ship Missile (CSM) capability, although this hasn't been integrated into the mod yet.

gevatter Lars said:
As for the style. Will fighters and caps get visible shots..not just the muzzleflash and the inpact animation or will it stay as it is now?
Yeah, both capships and fighter have visible shots, although it might not have been that clear in the preview -- I'll make a note to try and show the effect more clearly in the next video. Check out the Thunderbolts firing at about the ~4m point in the preview, as well as the Excaliburs at 6m:45s and you should just be able to make out the bolts from the cruiser at about 12m:15s when it's zoomed out, although perhaps the effect could be exaggerated slightly.

Aaron mentioned that there's still some tweaking to be done -- capship turrets can't discriminate between fighters and capships, so the smaller, dual-laser turrets can't act as anti-fighter weapons while the larger AMG's (yellow visual fx and sound still to be added) focus on capships, although as in the games, a fighter could be targeted by AMG's, so the all guns blazing approach works out pretty well.

gevatter Lars said:
Reminds me...I have seen as factions you will have Confed, Boarderworlds, Kilrathi and BL is that right? Are they all playable?
At the moment, the plan is for three factions (Coned, UBW and Black Lance). Confed is almost finished (Aaron's working on the shipyard at the moment), but needs balancing/tweaking and has been working on UBW and BL ships too, but only a few UBW ships (Durango, Vindicator, Banshee, UBW Arrow and Avenger), are in the current beta -- the focus is on testing/finalising Confed ships at the moment. I know Aaron posted a screenshot of a Dralthi in the engine, but that's classified! :p No, really, as far I know, the intention is to just focus on WC4 and the three factions outlined for a release (Confed, UBW, BL) before even considering tackling other era's/games.

gevatter Lars said:
As for the BL...I might still have the transport and carrier somewhere as max or 3ds file. If you like I could search for them..maybe you could use them as referance. I have to say that these models are of older date so they aren't that good.
I'm sure Aaron would be interested as I haven't sourced reference images for them yet.


BrynS said:
No, but the Confed Destroyer, UBW Cruiser and a still undetermined Black Lance capship will have a Capital Ship Missile (CSM) capability, although this hasn't been integrated into the mod yet.
Sounds good to me.
This is the one type of WC mod I've always wanted...to play Tolwyn or Bainbridge, or if I'm in the mood Kruger's style....can't wait to fight the first fleet action...
I found the models...about 105k in a rar archive...where should I send them to?
It contains:
- BL Carrier in a lowpoly more original version and a little bit more own detailed version
- BL Transport...I think I added some details that wheren't in the original, but still low poly
- BL low poly base
- A confed/BW sciencelab that I found along the others.

All models are untextured and surely need some overworking since they are old models from the time I started modeling.