WC3 on WINXP SP2, 100% working solution

Ctrl + F12 helped a LITTLE, but it's (the sound) still somewhat choppy.

And what/where would these scalers be? I wouldn't know the first place to look. EDIT: Raising the cycles manually didn't seem to help.

Also, it sounds like there's a lack of music. Can anything be done about that?
Ctrl + F12 helped a LITTLE, but it's (the sound) still somewhat choppy.

And what/where would these scalers be? I wouldn't know the first place to look. EDIT: Raising the cycles manually didn't seem to help.

Also, it sounds like there's a lack of music. Can anything be done about that?

CTRL+F12 will raise the cycles in increments so the more you press it the more the cycles will increase. (going too high can have the reverse effect as well). Also you probably want to make sure dynamic core is enabled for WC3.

If there is no music you might want to check what settings you picked when installing.

Somewhere in the dosbox.conf file there will be a 'Aspect' or 'Scaler' line along with the listed options. You can eperiment with them till you get a mode you like.
Unable to install WC3 on XP

I have tried to use dosbox. I am able to get all setup processes started but when I select the option to save setings and run WC3 it starts the install again and I end up back on the settings screen (where you get to choose the music card, digital effects card, save directory, etc...

I even tried to use the method of using VDM sound and creating the vdm text file but I get the same result. No matter how I approach I cannot get the install to clerly run and for sure it will not open the program but instead all effort resuts in it running the install attempt which every time either loops again when I say save and run wc3 or if I save and close and then try to run wc3 it just starts that process all over again.

Any suggestions would be most welcome. Am I missing something that I should be seeing or stupidly running the install again when I think I'm trying to start the game?
I have tried to use dosbox. I am able to get all setup processes started but when I select the option to save setings and run WC3 it starts the install again and I end up back on the settings screen (where you get to choose the music card, digital effects card, save directory, etc...
Doublecheck your dosbox settings. It sounds like your harddrive isn't mounted right. Can you post the mounting lines from your dosbox.conf file here?
Hey guys,
i hope i wont go kinda off-topic, since 99% of this discussion refers to the DOS version... (damnit, why are my original DOS-Discs unreadable worn off?)
well by now i have to bother around with that kilrah-Saga...except WC1 a pure annoyance imho...well, but back to WC3:

by now i get the game running, sound is alright, controlls seem to be working just fine...but the game freezes wheter on start or end of particular movies...origin-logo i have to skip to get the introduction-scene working, otherwise : blast
char with hobbes : works
chat with rollins : works
elevator-cutscene : blast
try to skip elevator-cutszene : blast

so, i cant get any further :(
DosBox impossible (stupid Saga -_- ) :(
Saga-Patch for compartible-mode win2k doesn't fix the problem :(

Im using
some wooden athlon 1600+
gforce 5200 ultra
aaaaah, nvm...just found the related topic beneath this one....i'll try to get help there.....damn....

--> look --> think --> post :rolleyes:
Hey guys,
i hope i wont go kinda off-topic, since 99% of this discussion refers to the DOS version... (damnit, why are my original DOS-Discs unreadable worn off?)
well by now i have to bother around with that kilrah-Saga...except WC1 a pure annoyance imho...well, but back to WC3:

by now i get the game running, sound is alright, controlls seem to be working just fine...but the game freezes wheter on start or end of particular movies...origin-logo i have to skip to get the introduction-scene working, otherwise : blast
char with hobbes : works
chat with rollins : works
elevator-cutscene : blast
try to skip elevator-cutszene : blast

so, i cant get any further :(
DosBox impossible (stupid Saga -_- ) :(
Saga-Patch for compartible-mode win2k doesn't fix the problem :(

Im using
some wooden athlon 1600+
gforce 5200 ultra

Have you tried adjusting your hardware sound and video directx settings to any success? Some people have success running the game windows or increasing/lowering the priority in the tast manager after launching the game.
ty for the sugguested hints.
but i already found help in Mincemeat's Topic :) except for 1 or 2 little setbacks, the game works fine now :)
WC3 works GREAT for me using VDMS (Runs very choppy in DOSBox no matter what I set cycles to and I tried between 4000 - 30000).

However, since I don't have a joystick right now, I'm playing with a mouse. It's nearly impossible to beat some missions with a mouse, so I'm trying to use the "-mitchell" cheat switch to get past certain missions.

My problem is, I can't get the switch to work.

I tried placing the switch in WC3.EXE's properties (R.Click -> Properties -> Program -> Cmd line) which doesn't work. Then I tried adding it in the WC3.VLP "executable=C:\WC3\WC3.EXE -mitchell" which also doesn't work.

When I run WC3 using DOSBox with the -mitchell switch and hop in the cockpit, I hear the voice yell, "Mitchell!" and it works fine, but is so choppy it's unbearable.

Has anyone made this switch work using VDMS?
Oops! Forgot to login! That's my question above!

I'm using my original WC3 CDs that I've had since it was released. I've also got every WC and Privateer game on their original diskettes and/or CDs. ;)
I was using DOSBox 0.63 before. I downloaded 0.72 and it runs WC3 flawlessly, so issue resolved!

Runs great using the default core and cycles settings (auto).
wc3 videos

Hi there,

First of all (as this is my first post here) I'd like to salute the whole WC community. It's just great to find all those ressources to still play those wonderful WC games.

Second, I'm from the "France" system, so please do not blame me too much for my english. :D

Here's my problem: I ran wc 3 under dos box on win vista. By following the win xp tutorial, everything worked perfectly. Just one custom setting: I set sound installation on sound blaster compatible (not 16 as mentionned) and it was better (at least for me).

Actually, I just have some "cuttings" in the videos. I set it on svga or vga, still the same: it's like my cdrom is too slow (or too fast as mentionned during the instal process?). Thus my question is quite simple:
How can I ease the video flow?

hope my question is clear.

it's not a disaster, I can play the game...it's just to be 100% back in the kilrathi war!!:D

Just in case a french dude read this: Sur la version Fr de wc3:"pour le reglage du joystick, quand l'instal vous demande d'aller vers l'avant droit, il faut en fait aller vers "arrière droit".
Maybe I should make a brand new topic...
Did not dare at first, but I created a new thread in the "tech support forum"
Maybe I should make a brand new topic...
Did not dare at first, but I created a new thread in the "tech support forum"

Here or a new thread is fine. I have to ask what you mean by cutting though. If the sound is stuttering (this is dosbox right?) do you have core set to dynamic or auto? Can you try switching cycles from auto to something anywhere from 30000 to 75000? You might need to experiment to find a value that works well. Also if your CPU is too slow it might not be able to handle higher cycle rates.
You bewty!

Setting my cycles to 50000 rather than auto was the key to solving the choppy music/video.

Many thanks bud & loooooooove WC
16:9 stretching

I can run the game flawlessly by using VDMsound...

However, I just upgraded to a new 16:9 LCD monitor, and the game keeps stretching to fill it, distorting the image. Anyone know of a way to enable pillarboxing or even windowed mode?

And yes, my monitor is set to *not* stretch 4:3 images.