WC1&WC2 shields/armor vs. Rest of series


I was just wondering if anyone out there knows the reason for the HUGE jump in shield and armor ratingsfrom WC2 to WC3

take the broadsword & longbow for example.

the front shields on a broadsword is 18cm
the front armor on a broadsword is 15cm

the front shield on a longbow is 250cm
the front armor on a longbow is 120 cm

Now I have never read the novels, so was there some huge jump in armor and shield technology in 2668,, during at time when humanity thought the war was over!

just wondering

Sometime in 2668-69, a bunch of new armors were introduced that are measured in "durasteeel equivalent" thickness, just so all armor has a standard reference point. Plasteel armor of 1cm has a durasteel equivalent of 10cm, therefore a Hornet armored with 3 cm of plasteel actually has an armor rating of 30cm. Other more powerful armor was introduced, but their names and durasteel equivalents escape me right now.
