WC Universe's Controversial Plot Holes, Discrepacies, Continuity Problems, etc

ahh, but just becouse we don't see 'm doesn't mean they're not there:)
WCATV really just focused on the cadets, (maybe a bit on tolwyn, and a little Kiltathi politics) not the vets.
Leave it up to a Professor Emeritus to explain Blizzard's skin. :D Someone along the way has confused Blizzard, with blue skin, and Bluehair, with blue... hair. Blizzard is from WCATV, Bluehair is from the original game and is the player. I suppose, if you think about it, Bluehair doesn't have to be Blair until WC2. Blair could've been one of the fellas sitting behind you in the briefings on Tiger's Claw. Just a thought. I haven't played WC1 in a long time, so I might be off a bit.
uhm... what?!:confused:

"Someone along the way has confused Blizzard, with blue skin, and Bluehair, with blue... hair"

when did that happen?

and uhm... how could you sit behind yourself? it's MUST HAVE been a long time since you played WC1 for you to forget that you actually ARE Blair in WC1... :rolleyes:
The confusion happened when Ghost posted:
"And what is the problem if his hair is blue?"
And Bluehair has no actual name. He is a rookie pilot fresh from the Academy. In the game, of course, you have the choice to name him Blair and give him the callsign Maverick. Don't have to, though. And what I meant was, Blair could've been any other pilot on board. You know about Angel, Paladin, Hunter, Iceman, etc. But you don't meet every pilot, nor are they mentioned.
Now, I'm not of best health right now, so I might not be right. But that would at least explain why Bluehair doesn't know Maniac when they meet. I'm going to let LOAF, TC or someone else who is, without question, in the know on a topic like this to tell me I'm wrong. Right now, I'm going to go throw up and go back to sleep.
But we do know the following - A pilot on board the Tiger's Claw was believed to have allowed the Tiger's Claw to have been destroyed either through gross negligence or treason. That same pilot, ten years later, flew off the Concordia, singlehandedly (no wingmen) destroyed the K'Tithrak Mang and its fighter screen, flew with Hobbes, fought Thrakhath, had a rocky relationship with Admiral Tolwyn, and began a romantic relationship with Angel. This pilot is unnamed, but sometimes referred to as Bluehair.
In Wing Commander 3, we're introduced to a pilot who flew off the Concordia, flew with Hobbes, has a reputation as a VERY good pilot in Confed Navy, is waiting for news of his girlfriend Angel, had a rocky relationship with Admiral Tolwyn, and has fought Thrakhath. This pilot is Blair.
That's an amazing set of coincidences for different individuals, wouldn't you say?
Blair is not Bluehair?

Man, they should erase all the books, threads, CIC database and write everything over again, it´s all wrong. ;)

Bluehair actually had an "official" name at first (not Blair) in WC1. I don´t remember it now but I am sure LOAF mentioned it a few weeks ago.
For the purposes of continuity, Blair is indeed Bluehair. He's had a few names, though, through the series... Armstrong, LeFong, and the callsign Phoenix (implied to be Blair) in a book (IIRC... was it Freedom flight?)
Junior: My argument, even if it is pointless, was that Bluehair in WC1, not in a WC1 addon or WC2, might not have been Blair. All of your points came from after WC1.

TC: Ok, for continuity, I'll settle for that.
Originally posted by Grimloc
Junior: My argument, even if it is pointless, was that Bluehair in WC1, not in a WC1 addon or WC2, might not have been Blair. All of your points came from after WC1.

I'm too lazy to actually find a WC1 related point. I'll just point out that the character transfers to the next versions of the game... so anything from later is just as valid...

I didn't mean to say that Bluehair should only be considered Blair to keep continuity in line, I was trying to distinguish the direct continuity of the PC game as compared to the different pilots that appeared to fly the exact same missions in various ports :)
Originally posted by Grimloc
Junior: My argument, even if it is pointless, was that Bluehair in WC1, not in a WC1 addon or WC2, might not have been Blair.

Untrue. In The Kilrathi Saga version of the original Wing Commander, your last name and callsign are, by default, "Blair" and "Maverick" (and Wing Commander II adds "Christopher" as your first name). Therefore, there can be no questioning the fact that your character in the first two games is Christopher "Maverick" Blair.
i remember reading in one of the guides that the people that worked on wc 1/2 called blair blue hair when talking about him as a way to give him some charector.
Maniac may have been around 50 years old, but Paladin and Iceman are good examples of odler pilots. Blair could still fly in WCP, and so could Maniac.
everyone called him Blue Hair... how else are you supposed to refer to a nameless character? I mean, if everyone used their own name it wouldn't really work.
Originally posted by Grimloc
Junior: My argument, even if it is pointless, was that Bluehair in WC1, not in a WC1 addon or WC2, might not have been Blair. All of your points came from after WC1.

You're blatantly ignoring the fact that the player pilot in WC1 and the player pilot in WC2 are, with the exception of ten years of aging, physically identical.
Anyone who tries to argue that they might be different people is BLIND!

TC - The only WC book that I've ever owned was End Run, and in that book, there's a very, very quick reference to a "Phoenix" who saved the Concordia. I don't know if there's another reference in Freedom Flight (as I haven't read it), but I do know that End Run has one.
Not that my opinion particularly matters on this, but I always preferred Phoenix (though not the dreadful "Prankster") to Maverick. I don't think Blair ever had a lot in common with a Tom Cruise character...