This thread must be ON TOPIC.
It's in reference to MY XWA MOD which is in continuing production, but *was* presumed dead a couple of YEARS ago. As of now, the XWA WCTC is FAR from dead.
Hmm...You really think the Fralthra is too powerful, AMG-wise?
I've tweaked all the capship settings like mad since the current download, so my current setup may not reflect what you experience as far as rate of fire (although I do know I've not changed the actual damage).
It does take a few direct antimatter hits to wipe out a Broadsword, which is quite in keeping with the games. The only thing I don't really like is the whole collateral damage thing. I might eliminate the whole 'exploding antimatter' deal because it interferes with light fighters a bit too much (and there doesn't seem to be a way I can discourage capital ships from firing them at fighters). Perhaps in complete missions it'll be a bit easier..and at least the capships don't usually use AMGs when you're at point blank range!
The XWA shield and armor system is a few hundred times removed from the WC system - I had to get a fancy conversion setup going in order to scale properly from Hornet to Jalthi while keeping somewhat with what XWA does. There's no way I could've used the values directly from WC - but they still scale exactly the same way.
The lighter fighters are more lightly armored in general than XWA light fighters, but the heavy fighters are far, FAR tougher. There's also the issue of Rebel fighters using the new WC laser, which is, I recall, something like half as strong as the Rebel laser is.
There's absolutely no way to reconcile or realistically cross-over Star Wars and Wing Commander because of the exclusive way in which the limited number of weapon slots work - can't have WC missiles and XWA missiles, and the same goes for the lasers. Once I added WC particle cannons where I *had* to (for various reasons), the TIE Fighters shoot them out of necessity.
I told you earlier I can set up the species text file to make mission creation a LOT easier...if the programs are still set up the way I think they are.
And of course I'll hire you in an instant, Hornet. E-mail me a copy of your mission editor or at least the text/data files so I can check them out...