WC Haiku!!


Vice Admiral
Off the top of my head:

Ah Wing Commander
Many kitties and insects
Darkness into day


One day, a compilation of these could be added to the site if there are enough. Just a thought, good luck!
Originally posted by Wulf
One day, a compilation of these could be added to the site if there are enough. Just a thought, good luck!

You know, though, one could make a serious argument that just *one* is *more* than enough ;)
Re: Re: WC Haiku!!

Originally posted by Bandit LOAF

You know, though, one could make a serious argument that just *one* is *more* than enough ;)

I'm witcha there, bro....
Originally posted by FlamingLlama
The blackness of space
Kilrathi are all over
My Broadsword explodes

"As your teacher Mr. Spock says... there are always... possibilities..."

-James Kirk
Where is he?
Oh god, I am burning!

::bongo noises::
That doesn't even begin to be humourous, interesting or all befitting you LOAF. ;)

Besides, I didn't really try.
I don't think anything could possibly be funnier than pointing out that a grown man can't *count*. :)