You guys are very correct.......I am looking to have a few more Kilrathi Characters on the terran side, with also some friendly Kilrathi ships, Tranports, Capships, Wings, wtc... As far as a full blown Alliance of some sort where your able to fly Kilrathi ships...etc...Personally I don't see it happening, The Kilrathi at least I've always thought have been a race that is full of pride and even tho that pride may have been broken by there homeworld being destroyed, I think they're still willing to fight for there honer. But not at the expense of forming some alliance to be allies with the Terrans in fighting the war against the Nephilim, I do believe though that the Kilrathi will be helped by Confed in potentially putting back together the Kilrathi society, (So to speak).
They had a cease fire meaning we're not going to continue having a war with you. But it doesn't mean that each and everyone is our friends, Those of which are not are considered pirates, But for the most part there will be many Kilrathi that are allies, certain Kilrathi will fight alongside the Terrans while others will want to battle and I think that is the way they've been fleshed out in "Arena". That also have different clans some of which (from what I understand from reading a few unmade games and background info), are pretty much different classes of Kilrathi, from being workers, to military, to lair mates (Sounds silly right). But anyways enough on my rant about the Kilrathi in General...You will see them in the mod and they are a force that will larger than what you see in Prophecy and Secret Ops. I mean some of these Kittens really wanna play.
Also the FPA (Firekkan Planetary Alliance) as they're referred to at this time. Will be in a very limited area.. Basically They stay within there space at least as far as military operations & defense are concerned. But I think it would be safe to say that they may use trading routes to surrounding systems.....
Does anyone agree with this? Because this is where I've been going with these races.