WC:CD "Fan Input"

The kilrathi voices of WC2 are actually slowed down versions with altered pitches of normal voices, using an audio program as old as "goldwave" under windows 3.1 already managed to restore them to their original frequences, then it are just some normal guys speaking with heavy intended accents in an agressive way.

Standoff did a great job on recruiting guys across the globe, you can clearly hear the comm officers german accent through his english. This makes sense because confed forces would be from across the earth globe. Somebody with a heavy asian or indies accent could have complemented a bit though.

But please, No WC1 iceman(Sega version) accents though, that was just laughable.
Long day's rebuild

Been at it roughly 14 hours today.

Tail and Cockpit Canopy done. Took about 3 hours, but its the most curved, coolest, best cockpit canopy I've ever done for a fighter.

Body also rebuilt after I redesigned it to be more "jet fighter body like" (old design was more triangular... see the s63-old-new.jpg image for a sample cross-section just behind the cockpit). This makes the paper-design a bit more rounded as well as far closer to vid-model that was posted.

Just got the under-box with its guns, and the tiny winglet-like bits that connect the wings to the body left. Hopefully the underbox with its guns won't take long since its very "box like" and doesn't have the curved-triangular look of the body.

IMHO: looks like it would dance around the excalibur while blasting it to bits. Got to be one of the coolest designs ever. Got to be my most favorite paper design.


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What about some missions on Nephilum controlled space

How about some missions in Nephilum controlled Space (not conquered). It would really represent a challenge. Bases and fixed assets?

Destroying a base with swarms of Nephilum attacking with fixed turrets and reinforcements arriving every few minutes. WOW.
Hey Jason, I was thinking about the voices of the Firekkans, personally I've come up with one of two possibilites; I mean this is up to you, but I don't think they should sound human, at least not entirely human.

What do I recommend?

One of two things... if you want them to sound somewhat hostile and more bird like, watch Star Trek TOS "The Tholian Web." Personally, something like the sound of the Tholian commander's voice would be perfect.

The second idea, and the one I like less... play Star Trek Armada 2 (I know, I know, enough Star Trek) and try playing skirmish mode as Species 8472. It's a very monotoned, calm, voice that would perhaps fit in place if done properly.
Firekkan Fighter, v0.95

That's right... 95% done... and it be a thing'o'beauty.

Underbox with its, uh, not sure if their supposed to be the guns or some kind of intakes... looks more like guns... or maybe where the missiles come out.

Just a small gap-bit just before the tail that needs filling. After that I think I'll see if I can make a one-piece folding cover for the back to help support where teh thin wing-bits attach to the sides of the main body (its not a perfect fit, but good enough as is for the super-glue to hold).

After that I'll do up a second copy with the red tattoo-like lines. That way people can choose if they want a plainer-version (which you can always paint on your own lines, or edit the bitmaps to create your own) or go with the pre-made red-tattoo-lines version (which should be near identical to the red-tat's from the posted pics on the first page).



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Here's the Paradigm....I'll probably add it in as a Corvette into the Vision engine...Even though it's a Destroyer...I'll up the armor on this thing so it takes quite a few shots to down.....But check it out :D ....Of coarse I haven't shown turrets on it and it's even hard to decipher where the bridge is...What a strange design.

What's the reasoning behind making it a Corvette? Clearly it's not unprecedented for a Destroyer to reappear as a Corvette or vice versa, but it's an awkward thing to do.
He's probably talking game mechanics, ie adding it as a non-phase shielded capship like the Barracuda.
That makes sense. That's a fun way to do it.

Yea I was talking "game mechanics" because It definitely makes it vulnerable but it makes it fun trying to blast it.... I think in Privateer it was done similar.... I mean you could destroy a Paradigm with no torps. But the reasoning for increasing the armor and shields in the vision engine... is to make it harder to kill but without the need for torps/ components... (Easier to implement into the engine too). Confeds equivalent of the Barracuda (At least in this mod) Except tougher. I know it's a destroyer as it will still be...But it will act more like Standoffs Kamekh.... but still hard to kill.
That's right... 95% done... and it be a thing'o'beauty.

Underbox with its, uh, not sure if their supposed to be the guns or some kind of intakes... looks more like guns... or maybe where the missiles come out.

Just a small gap-bit just before the tail that needs filling. After that I think I'll see if I can make a one-piece folding cover for the back to help support where teh thin wing-bits attach to the sides of the main body (its not a perfect fit, but good enough as is for the super-glue to hold).

After that I'll do up a second copy with the red tattoo-like lines. That way people can choose if they want a plainer-version (which you can always paint on your own lines, or edit the bitmaps to create your own) or go with the pre-made red-tattoo-lines version (which should be near identical to the red-tat's from the posted pics on the first page).


I really like the front shot of the model, and those tail fins look great from just about any angle.
Yea I was talking "game mechanics" because It definitely makes it vulnerable but it makes it fun trying to blast it.... I think in Privateer it was done similar.... I mean you could destroy a Paradigm with no torps. But the reasoning for increasing the armor and shields in the vision engine... is to make it harder to kill but without the need for torps/ components... (Easier to implement into the engine too). Confeds equivalent of the Barracuda (At least in this mod) Except tougher. I know it's a destroyer as it will still be...But it will act more like Standoffs Kamekh.... but still hard to kill.
Judging from the number of turrets visible, that's gonna be a problem. Corvettes are limited to 6 turrets in WCP. Of course, you can cut down on turrets by replacing the missile turrets with ordinary missile hardpoints, but I get the impression even then you may need to cut down on turrets to fit within this limit.
Judging from the number of turrets visible, that's gonna be a problem. Corvettes are limited to 6 turrets in WCP. Of course, you can cut down on turrets by replacing the missile turrets with ordinary missile hardpoints, but I get the impression even then you may need to cut down on turrets to fit within this limit.

I was also thinking the same...that if I add it in as a "Corvette style" then I would be limited to 6 turrets....So it does put me in a little dilemma. It is a destroyer.....should I add it in as a capship or corvette...Choices! Choices! Keep the 10 turrets ... Or sacrifice :( For this ship I don't really want to sacrifice...I might as well add it in as a capship

But I really like that idea of that the ship doesn't have phase shields.... :( ...This is a toss up! ArrrgH!
i think you like the turrets more, than the abscence of phase shields, so give it a try as a capship ;)

couple of weeks ago you have asked for new ideas.

you know, since some charakters are mercs or privateers, how about giving them some old ships, that are heavily modified.

for example a kilrathi (maybe an ally) flying a drakhri wit alternative guns or stronger afterburner speed.

it would be similiar to a guy driving an 10-15 year old pimped car, instead of buying a new one :cool:
I was also thinking the same...that if I add it in as a "Corvette style" then I would be limited to 6 turrets....So it does put me in a little dilemma. It is a destroyer.....should I add it in as a capship or corvette...Choices! Choices! Keep the 10 turrets ... Or sacrifice :( For this ship I don't really want to sacrifice...I might as well add it in as a capship

But I really like that idea of that the ship doesn't have phase shields.... :( ...This is a toss up! ArrrgH!
Ah, but this isn't about what you like - it's about what you need. What will be more useful for you gameplay-wise? A corvette or a capship? If a capship, how many components should it have? You need to look at all your ships together and figure out what works best for the game as a whole, rather than for that given capship.

In this particular case, it may turn out that it's better to sacrifice a few turrets in order to have the right corvette-style capship - but this depends on what other ships you have. If you already have something else planned as a corvette-style capship, there's not much point having too many of them - with their limitation to six turrets, they tend to all behave similarly.
Personally, I dont think it should be a corvette if you have to cut down on turrets.

However... one thing you could do... put some of the domes you see in Privateer on it and just have lasers come out of them.

Or make it a single torpedo shot capship.
Judging from the number of turrets visible, that's gonna be a problem. Corvettes are limited to 6 turrets in WCP. Of course, you can cut down on turrets by replacing the missile turrets with ordinary missile hardpoints, but I get the impression even then you may need to cut down on turrets to fit within this limit.

Isn't there some way to hack this or something? You seem to have found ways to raise or circumvent a bunch of other limitations in the Vision engine over the years. A single 'gimmick'-ship might not be worth the effort though, cool as it would be.
There probably is. We just never gave it any thought, because we never needed corvettes with more than six turrets.
Firekkan Fighter paper ready

I think I prefer mine without the red tattoo lines (undecided) but as you can see in the forth pic here, a set of substitution parts are included for those who do want to have the red tattoo lines (alternately you can print/edit the plain light-brown and design your own tattoo either in windows paint or with a simple marker).

A copy of the zip will be sent to the wcnews thing shortly so they'll be able to add it to their host of downloadable paper models.

So then... you got a Firekkan carrier for this baby?

I think I saw "Valtar" as the model/type. Did I read that right?

Maybe a few alternate models (light fighter, bomber, etc)? Or maybe (due to their small fleet) they only fly the one ship type (but its got a "as needed" mission payload for missiles/torps/etc).


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