In case anyone is really wondering much about the design direction I took.....It was to really take the Stock looking Excalibur and add onto it similar to the concept art...But just a mix of the two...
The time of WC:CD is way before Arena and is made to bridge the Gap between the Two....So certain ships that are in Arena will not be seen in WC:CD but you may see a form of it...For Example ...The Arrow Scout will be featured in the Mod, But not the Arrow Guardian or Eclipse (They may be later in the game if given some Fan support in doing models and development but aren't planned at this time) but maybe mentioned or dually noted during the campaigns.
Certain ships may be in some kind of development, Like This Excalibur "Wyvern".....If you view the design that I have here and then compare to the original concept art...You'll see a similar design but not quite to T of the Concept art. Reason being....Perhaps the design in the Excalibur series of ships hasn't gotten to that stage yet.
My next venture here with the design of ships is in designing more of the support ships (Refuelers, Transports, Shuttles, Assualt Transports, Marine LC Craft, Conveyors, etc...) I believe that the WC series should have more of these ships and was always sad to see (not enough) of these secondary craft. I started on the new refueler which can be found here
WC:CD "Support Craft"
Thank you all very much for the support,
And see you out in the space docks!