WC:CD "Destroyer"

hey BTW, are we going to see the Behemoth class ship in the MOD? S*S states there has been at least one made (besides the one we see in WC3), and it was probably made during the war (argument: confed would never approve to build any during peace time because of the cost).

personally i'd love to see a fully finished Behemoth
Updated Shots of the "Southampton" Destroyer from WC3... I redid the engine area to something more like the Indomitable Engines. (Somethin Different). Also added a few decals n stripes.


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I like it a lot, but the textures are kind of repetitive. Are you planning to fix them up, or at least reduce the contrast a bit? As it is, the textures kind of obscure the details of the model.
No problem I'll get right on it, also keep in mind the Vision engine does alot of the work that the model doesn't...at least when I show it there's no specular lights,diffuse lighting,...etc....etc... no light source really
No problem I'll get right on it, also keep in mind the Vision engine does alot of the work that the model doesn't...at least when I show it there's no specular lights,diffuse lighting,...etc....etc... no light source really

Is it very hard to change the background in your modeling program for screenshots? The gray on gray doesn't contrast much. It all kind of blurred together in the screenshots I made today for the front page, so you can see I brightened the ships themselves and dropped them on black (I also cropped them closer to the ships themselves). https://www.wcnews.com/news/update/8714
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I brighted them about 30% and increased the contrast about 15%. I played with the paint bucket fill tool tolerances until I could turn the background black without also infringing and filling in the grays of the model. Fortunately, with the correct resizing method, any harsh border lines this creates get smoothed out when you shrink down to thumbnail size. You shouldn't have to worry about that if you just start with a black background though.
I've revisited this The Southampton


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Here's a fewer high res shots, As you can see I've added (8) Mark IV Plasma Cannons... ( Which in the Game engine will probably be some type of unguided projectile somehow. (I haven't figured this one out yet). I changed the intakes, Widened it a lil bit (Extra Armor). I haven't included the turreted weapons yet, (Missile Launcher / Laser Turrets) Because they'll just be shown in the Vision Engine


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Updated it even more....A Few Bridge Details....Showed where the Turrets and Launchers are going to go....Played with the textures a lil...


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I think it look way more powerful then the original dose and I like it but what are those yellow striped boxes on top and bottom of the turrets? To me it looks like a forward missile launcher or some kind of counter measure for fighter attacks.
I was thinking some kind of missile launch system that would be cool....But ehh it's just for looks.

It only has 7 Laser Turrets, 3 Missile Launchers, and the 8 Plasma Turrets which I may or may not have in the mod...I'm just not sure yet on how I would get them to work.... I believe you can program the turrets to have a limited amount of degrees of travel. So I might still be able to make them work. Which would be REALLY AWESOME!

The Original had 9 Laser Turrets, and no Plasma cannons, Can't remember if it had an launchers I'm sure it did.

This revised version is meant to have twice as much armor, and be able to break up Nephilim Convoys with the updated Plasma Cannons (with less power consumption) more armor, and updated for quick strikes Bartok Design AME-632D Engines and powerplants for the long battles.
Here's the stats.

Class Southampton Destroyer
Length 490 meters
Mass 36,000 metric tonnes
Max Velocity 240 kps
Acceleration 12 k/s^2
Max Y/P/R 5/5/5 deg/s
Guns Laser Turrets (7), Class F Missile Launchers (3), Plasma Mark IV Cannons (8)
Shields 2000 cm
Shield Recharge 200 cm/sec
Front Armor 1700 cm
Rear Armor 1700 cm
Right/Left Armor 1700 cm
Fighter Complement None
Jump Capable Yes
The Original had 9 Laser Turrets, and no Plasma cannons, Can't remember if it had an launchers I'm sure it did.

It did launch capmissiles in at least one mission (last one in hyperion), and it also had one AMG so some kind of anti-ship gun would be nice
I like how you have the plasma turrets mounted in a "broadside" configuration instead of the more mobile rotating turrets--it really adds to the feeling of "these guns are so big that we can't steer 'em".
I've decided that the big Yellow caution stripes on the sides are actually some type of armor for broadside attacks so I might be changing the stats of the side armor too....+ 500 cm for both sides
That depends on your definition of 500 cm :). If it's durasteel, then it's 5 metres... but using other materials allows you to do the same while adding a lot less.