Alright well in keeping with a few of the points that LOAF and Bob McDob had brought up and also getting my modeling program back and running (Registration Issues). Some key notes that I've gotten to.
Issue: Bobs issue on the turret size.
Answer: Well Bob with keeping with my last post, I have scaled the ship to be a little larger by about 10% all around (L,W,H) you can see a tremendous difference in the size. Again I don't really want to change the turret size.
Issue: LOAF's recommendation to change the area near the upper ram scoop.
Answer: I decided that it was a little overkill to actually have the extra oversized turret after viewing both LOAF's throughts and Bobs thoughts. And at the same time also thought that for a destroyer it's probably pretty well armed compared to other destroyers in the WC Universe, already so I removed that gun and will probably add something else in place, not sure yet. As you can see I've changed that area a little bit by adding something that the Indomitable class from Arena has. Some type of fire protective type walls. Maybe put the shield generator in there (Not really too sure yet)
Issue: LOAF's recommendation to not be faster than the Cerberus.
Answer: Well ya know what LOAF I Don't Really Give A Flying........... Just kidding that's a good point so it will be speed equivalent to other destroyers and cap ships unlike Cerberus which was a faster ship. in the WC Universe area, maybe the Sheffield. Not to sure yet.
4. There is no 4
Well with those issues out of the way. I've added some detail to the textures, so that it looks a little better in scale. Also if there's any other comments please feel free to leave the thoughts here so that I can address them and make changes. One thing with making and creating anything is criticizm and that's always a good thing even if it's bad. But any thoughts you guys may have would be great. The poly count for the model is pretty maxed out. But if anyone has any ideas for the engines so I can get rid of some polys there, and create more box shaped engines, if anyone has any ideas even if it's another type ship send em my way. As always thanx for your input in advance
Anyways here's some definate improvements, please comment When doing a project alone you get a little lost and especially when doing models it's great to have people from the community come together to give some comments. And BTW Positive and negative feedback is always welcome.
I was a little Remiss in showing the extended turret barrels too. I know this picture isn't all that great but. The Turrets that I'm talking about are the ones towards the rear of the Plunkett Ship so it'll give you a better visual of how large the Destroyer is going to be. The only thing I might do is change the texture of the original Plunkett Turret That's pretty much it.
Those 3 are a Few so you guys can see which ones I'm talking about.
Then here's the Revised Turret Size Render that LOAF had mentioned