WC Animated Serial Concepts

Also, re: conflict in Vega - WC1 wasn't the end of the battle for Vega... there are numerous references to fighting there after WC1 - the Kilrathi probably launched several major campaigns to re-establish a foothold there. It's an important sector...

(I'll read the fiction later)

Can you tell what this is supposed to be from just a silhouette? I'm trying to figure out if I've done okay in changing the designs for artistic or practical reasons...
It's an Epee. I guess 1 and a 1/2 out of 2 isn't bad.

Now that I look at it in this side silhouette those things on the wingtips (that were missiles on the original wc2 Epee) look alot like cannons, which sort of gives it that decieving 'Raptor' look. I meant them to be sort of sensor rods... meh.
Corsair(pilot) said:
Now that I look at it in this side silhouette those things on the wingtips (that were missiles on the original wc2 Epee) look alot like cannons . . .
Thats the main reason I went for the Raptor part :)

MOre like a klingon bird of prey.
Romulan ships look like big raptor like birds
Klingon ships look more like big mean guns
That is from a Star Trek guide too lol
It's my understanding that the Bird Of Prey has wings that are slanted 'down', not 'up'.
Its a term used for the wings on the F-14 and EF-111 aircraft, because their wings move, they are termed as 'variable geometry' although most people say 'swing wing'.
Sylvester said:
they are termed as 'variable geometry' although most people say 'swing wing'.

Someone who calls a moving object on a joint "variable geometry" needs to have their ass kicked by me.