... In Human Minds # 134 ... Dash havogotzivi ! ... 4 ...
... Inspired by ... Hollywood movie “Cleopatra (1963)” ... “Enter the dragon (1973)” ...
... Galaxy Year 2X2X ... Leader “Moor” inspects half legion in parade ...
For ancient corinthians, dancers of so called ok-liu club, naeng-myeon club
were famous, no less than cover and catalog girls in 1960s nonno magazine.
(Facts about corinthia.)
(Old pushan k-pop “A girl before 100 meter”, accordions & jazz instrument.)
Miss “Baek” once gathering yakcho and herb on gaema plateau high lands,
and did not know about ohenro (nippon or other style pilgrimage) wanderings,
yet, walking a lot during teen ages, so suitable for bulsapa squadron.
(Really, nerwa hut similar to a little hut of “Dunbar” in “Dances with wolves”.)
“Moor” sometimes wants hearing what happening, stands in crossing arms,
miss “Baek” usually talks to ear of “Moor”, recent diary on hand, standing on
back of ohenro girl nicknamed “new chochun”, because once flight attendant,
sometimes tugging rope of engine troubled interstellar airplane, with others.
(A tall girl resembles miss “Stig” is sometimes called deolreongyi.)
“Jihyo”, once worked at very old shandong style chinese cuisine house,
with white stone parking lots, similar to ohenro have to do, until sunset dusk.
And at shanghai on long river delta and new harbor at west stars, become
somewhat rich during late highteen to late thirties, her old friend nicknamed
her as “cleopatra”, an ancient egyptian girl had both bling bling and skills.
(Doesn’t like nickname “cleopatra”, so in “gungadin” double mushroom hair.)
“Jihyo” is also born mechanic, from teen age she could easily read manual
of iguazu style patbingsu ice machine, washing machine, and others, and
sometimes even fix white machines alike refrigerator and air-con.
(Old k-pop “zoeunnal”, southern america “directo al corazon”, jazz style.)
Ohenro girls concern about off time costumes (nice-claup, omsk, etc),
(and they are worrying half of them are short due to proto-culture ainu).
(All bulsapa half legion wearing costume of 1950 – 60 decades hollywood
western movies, gamma corrected dark skyblue uniform & steel buttons.)
(And maybe gyopo “Han Yeseul”, who wears LA gear, could nicely sing
so called “cotton fluff candy sajuiso” song, “atzogum atzogum” or cute &
small song, and “icecream sajuiso” or “directo al corazon” song, et al.)
“Moor” reading hidden old book, (published 17 th century mississippi),
and pen drawings are about 20 citadels of wood wall and soil wall, and
few tens of thousand (french speaking) people lived nearby lawrence
river and mississippi river, some wearing colorful uniform costumes.
(Maybe size scale is similar to “Oliver” frigates to modern spectators.)
“Moor” sitting on desk with charts, doing calculations by sliding scales,
and estimates if all the “Stra-eagle” from kabul moved to nearby of
“Amber sunset on tilted cross neon” refugee city, fuel consumption
will increase much, and maybe they also have to warp entire nemesis
Pe-nium field to nearby, which is alike behemoth or leviathan in myth,
with more and more increased drought pixels in hologram graphics,
and this is surely impossible.
(And next, calling voice phone at the center of skipper’s chart table to
norfolk harbor, and old day alumni skippers answer it is still quiet for
6 of “N-class” and 6 of “Wasp” class, except ice glaciers and small
icebergs keep closing, so huge LNG flames and laser CIWS in ops.)
(And the second New harbor is under constructon, at nearby charleston
fishery harbor, alike “Delta city” in movie “Robocop”, and although it is
not winter season, snowflakes keep falling on 9 – 13 museum ships,
including “Essex”, “Iowa”, and “Midway”, the before generation ships.)
“Macchu Picchu” or the “Majestic” are somewhere at inside amazon
nebula or congo nebula, and with most recently supplied space planes
alike type-28 (virtual cloak version of sukhoi “New Berkut”), “Albatross”.
(Because it is 500 years future, type-28 and “Albatross” could equipped
with external rocket devices, made by “Allende” laboratory in chile, could
ballistic flying from one region of planet to 20,000 kilometers away.)
(When war at vietnam during 1960s, petroleum supply even short for
B-52 operations, and western front, only 2 aircraft carrier could be seen,
“Foch” 1 and 2, with missile frigates, and they were also the last force.)
(And alchan “Big-E” of “McCyan” and a “Wasp” of “Jonathan Meyers”
are supported carriers from west stars, under this incoming ice and
drought age, and “McCyan” maybe wants role of “Drebin” in intro part
of 1980s movie “Naked gun” series.)
At dried yellow sea side space airport, where bulsapa team occupying,
this half legion in parade, between 7 space ships floating on seaside,
(including a ship from johannesburg, a drill mining and refinery ship),
and temporary crowd seats at refugee city side.
They are less than a thousand and all wearing gamma corrected sky
blue uniform with steel buttons, robots in row toward floating ships.
( 6 – 7 building ruins, maybe once small stations with small domes are
defended by 5 – 10 crab robots per each, with missiles and rockets,
this firewall around runway is alike one in cartoon “Asterix” series.)
Robot-203 (official number of 106) and other 19 robots in two rows,
alike ancient greek columns, and robot-203 of “Moor” and “Jihyo” in
pose alike marble statue of caesar, (in front of franchise caesar hotels).
Robots could move by themselves, reflexes of dead whale brain & spine.
(Some robots are with m-60 medium machine gun and carbine gun,
some with m-82 with long trivet, some with beam-bazooka and shield,
and 2 aprilia bike style upgraded robot-203 and 2 gawasaki robots with
long-spear with LNG flame bayonet and inverted L-shape long-shield.)
If biomech are bio-mechatronic 8 legged arthropod category, then
human could use chemical gas for extinction, yet, biomech are 10 - 20
legged bio-mechatronic amphibious squids, so other tactics needed.
(From alaska and turkey, 10 – 20 “Stra-eagle” arrived under news media
of west stars keep in silence, and some of them equipped with TARPS,
and some are with downsized orion anti-sub kits, and some are with
GPS guided multiple sdb bombs, and some with incineration clusters,
and 10 – 20 pilots are sitting nearby “Moor”, leader of bulsapa.)
(Theme of musical “Jesus christ superstar”, high tone electric guitars.)
“Moor” and others are stand up in much proud facial expressions.
(And next, maybe preparing gokusen forgot remove wheat powder sacks
inside pink festival sphere balls, so after multiple fireworks spark upward,
pink balls above opening, big carp fishes pop down alike lake dragons,
and all around crowd seats are under white wheat powder clouds.)
Because jugent biomech ambushed nearby entrance to underground
sphere retreat after defeated in sunset, two crab robots could go inside,
role of unmanned and remotely controlled probes with various sensors.
Six girls controlling two crab robots, (alike xbox or pls video-games),
somewhat behind from “Moor”, and at the center of the CIC hall, “Moor”
wearing digital goggle and globes, and a remotely controlled robot-203
(upgraded robot-106 into more suitable for front lines), hiding behind
structure of space port harbor and relaying communications between.
(And when “Moor” in robot, remote controlling of “Cape Cheetah” as a
huge giant machine whale is capable, dead whale brain also within.)
Crab robots even could do short range vertical flying, and 2 crab robots
keep going through passage, finally arrived at gravity free underground
huge sphere, and sending films of 9 – 13 floating ships at the center.
(Poses alike 9 – 13 museum ships, including “Iowa”, at charleston harbor.)
They are same as half of the radar and sensor signatures of unidentified
space ships, and they are without main engine power, so one could assume
2,500 ships of 5,000 ships are 2 nd generation, and not yet operational…
... You imagine main, episode, and session titles of this story in kiril characters ...
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