I got the game running well now (minus uemovies.tre and uespeech.tre), no more crashing.
I must say that I love everything about this game: Music (startling), graphics, ships (even the paper-armor-Epee), the Dauntless is amazing, the HUDs are great, the Kilrathi are TOUGH. But the best thing about this game is that the missions are complex, intelligent, well-scripted and backed up by an amazing story. The makers of SO should see this and LEARN how to make missions, not just scramble-and-kill-everything-that-moves or patrol-4-nav-points-and-kill-1,000-bugs.
I just wish I could see the movies
Did I see any problems with the game? Yes, but really so unimportant that I just forget about them. For instance, when I saw the Kilrathi capships I thought *they need some finishing*, like their *painting* looked like it needed another "hand". Also, it was weird to press Esc and see that Confed logo spinning, when you are in the BW militia. But, as I said, that really don´t matter. It is nice to see that, with no funding at all, just imbued by the love for WC, you were able to make such a great work. I wonder how far could you have gotten, provided the right $$$, an open code and state-of-the-art tools.
Just a question: I´ve just finished mission 7 (or 8?) where you scramble to save the Dauntless from torpedoes launched from Barracudas and Red Mantas, got the code for the fiction (ro**s) but the code won´t work on the fiction viewer. Why?