UE Music

I'll check out Mad Hatter's stuff. I would like to see what he could do with a UE peice though before I make a decision.

Satus of MIDIs: Since they're what I used, they're basically complete. I do want to touch them up a bit (names of files... just stupid stuff like that). Then I'd just need to zip them into a package and put them up. Not much work... just a matter of finding the time.

11 Posts... wow... this is going faster than I thought! But why aren't Cadets allowed to PM? It doesn't make sense that just because I'm new to the board I can't use that basic feature... Not that I'm complaining, just wondering the reason behind it.

And Ace: I haven't really had much experiance with score reductions... that's why it would be hard for me. I may just end up posting some scores and letting people make thier own reductions... I really don't know the other ways I'm going to release the music just yet. I'll almost deffinately do a MIDI package... everything else is sorta icing on the cake - stuff I'd like to do if I get the time... at least to an extent.
I think the reasoning for not allowing PM and other features for cadets was so that people who aren't regulars can't just come in and abuse them.

Anyway, I'm not suggesting this for right now, or even in the next few weeks, but just say that you're able to find someone or some way to improve the quality of your UE music to your satisfaction and approval, would you be prepared to re-release it? It shouldn't be a problem for people who've downloaded the full install either, since it's a single TRE file.

I'm just wondering how the people at OC ReMix get their music sounding so nice. I hear program names like Fruity Loops and such being thrown about.
I was thinking of this more for UE2... cause the thought of a re-release of music never crossed my mind. However... if the oppertunity presents itself I'd be more than happy to.

It's pretty late where I am right now... so I can't really listen to anything now... after I sleep I'll be sure to take a listen.
[/QUOTE] I'm just wondering how the people at OC ReMix get their music sounding so nice. I hear program names like Fruity Loops and such being thrown about. [/B][/QUOTE]

Fruity Loops es just another traker programs, the only diference is that Fruity Loops was more midi support than other traker programs, I personaly don't like it that mush, I only use it for TSR 404, and 303 sound FX and some base loops, I rader use the real thing or other traker programs that haves better sounds

Edit: I notice all songs are MP3, so must of thear are probably not midi, but cool page, I love some of the remixing done there I will try to upload some of mine :p
Meh, Fruity Loops was just the first thing which popped into my head. I don't use them, but I'm sure there are much more sophisticated programs used by the 'pros'.

I love OC ReMix (even The Fat Man sent in a remix of one of his works from the 11th Hour). VG Mix was set up as an alternative VG remixing site, because some people didn't like the idea of djpretzel having the final say on what goes up and what doesn't (even if they don't have anything against OC ReMix or djpretzel personally), but unfortunately they got overwhelmed with so many submissions they have to shut down temporarily (at least, I hope it's only temporary). As they said, the signal to noise ratio was astoundingly low, but there was still some great stuff being submitted.

Anyway, go ahead and submit away, I'd like to see what else you can throw together. :)
Needaham, If you want to send me some midis so I can see about converting them to mp3 with my Roland Sound Canvas, you're quite welcome to. I'd love to hear what I can do with them.

email me.
Howdy - I'm the person who wrote the ORIGINAL WCUE music (like 3 or 4 years ago). I noticed that it has a link on the site, but no one really remembers me. After I had put together a number of files, the project kinda went under (think this was summer or fall of '99). . . Meanwhile, no one ever contacted me to let me know the project took off again. just kinda bugged me that my work was sitting on the net without a name next to it - if someone could just stick my email address on the site, that will do - thanks!

my email: jgrms@att.net

sorry to hear that dude, I know what you fell, something similar happend to me, I was working for a Quake 1 mod, all the music was created and the project was cancel, I maded like 22 tracks and latter I founf the project was reopened with a new name and the music autor but the projects was cancelled again, so i thick i know what u feel
Hey there! :) I believe that by the time we restarted UE, Pedro had lost your e-mail address, so we actually had no way of contacting you. We'd be very happy to put your name on your music :).
Actually thats not true, when we restarted UE I contacted you and you said you were too snowed under with work to help, after that we decided we weren't going to use music for a while and by the time we decided we might want to I had lost your e-mail since I'd changed PCs but forgotten to backup e-mail.
AHHH - now i'm remembering. . . well i'm a little LESS snowed under now, so if you need me (or want me), let me know! it's funny about 2 weeks ago i was thinking "i wonder what ever happened to that project" so i searched you out, and just that day you were releasing WCUE for the first time. anywho, if anyone gets a chance check out the "music for old WCUE" so i know my blood and sweat didn't go into nothing. some of it's revamped music from WC1 and 2, but a lot of it is new stuff that turned out really nice. there's like 20 or 21 tracks - i used this fantastic synth when i sequenced it all, too. I don't know what format it's in - i just remember having to record it at a lower quality detail so it could be integrated into the game engine.

I remember your music, and it was good :) The original stuff could be usefull in UE2, best person to talk to is needeham, I do think a seperate style would be cool, music is as good a way to seperate one part of a game from another as any.
So your the one who wrote that. It was very good... much different from what I did with the project. It would be interesting to try incorperating different styles into UE2 if it's possible to do without it sounding really strange, and if we go ahead with the proposed music team, I'll be sure to contact you.
great-you have my email address then (below message). i don't have nearly as much problem with transmitting data anymore. i also have access to a lot professional studio software and hardware. and this email is much more permanent, so i won't get lost again. keep me informed!

Yes... if we can make different styles work, it would be perfect. I can cover the Orchestral and Jazz styles. Rampage, you've got the techno, and JGRMS, you have the.. well... I dunno what style to call it (:p ) down pat. And then, hopefully, we can find someone to render all of the songs for us, and make it sound more real. And of course... Filler's gonna help out with some bass playing. We'll have a nice team for UE2 if we can make it work, cause I'm still not sure how to make multiple styles work in one game.
Hey, JGRMS, I liked that rendition of the WC theme so much I chucked it on to my personal WC1/2 music CD. :) 'twas very nice.

BTW, TCSTigersClaw, the 'old' music was in the intro of the UE beta.
it's amazing what you can still get out of a Korg 01/Wfd these days (considering the thing is 12 years old). Which was the one that you liked? there's a couple wc themes i mutilated in there. i think Cakewalk pro audio 7 had just come out when i did all this so i was having way too much fun messing around with the digital audio component of it. i never titled any of these works - but #10, 17, 6a, and 4b were my babies.
