Also, you're one piano-falling-out-of-the-sky away from complete death. And believe me, you are much more likely to be killed by a random piano falling out of the sky than mankind is likely to be wiped out by disease, asteroids, nuclear war or any other such disaster.
Sheesh, the news media already had me paralyzed to the point of barely being able to live my life, what with the fear of being killed by an asteroid that might hit earth long after I'm dead. Now I really AM paralyzed and am pulling a Stephen Hawking just to write this!
I would say that the odds of him dying in his lifetime is much more likely with the piano. However the odds of mankind meeting their end by one of the other mentioned disasters at some point in the vast future is 100%.
Those are quite the math skills you worked out there McGruff. Everyone else is being sarcastic or ridiculing you, but I have the complete and total confidence that you sat down one night and worked and worked at the figures until you perfectly simulated the earth, down to each individual person (take THAT Hari Seldon) and crunched the numbers until SOMETHING came out of nowhere and eradicated the entire species.
My only question here would be what your methods were and what it was that eventually resulted in us being wiped out, and why you aren't releasing these figures to the scientific community. Is it because you'll change the future beyond hope of repair and you'd just have to rework all your figures?
God won't let killer asteroids exterminate us as long as we stay heterosexual enough!
That's right kids. As one of the ten Christian pricks that use the internet, I'm here to tell you that homosexuality is indeed the cause of all the problems of the universe and that anyone who disagrees with me is wrong. I'm actually crazy enough to believe myself when I say that homosexuality is the reason your house lit on fire last weekend! Oh, and Jack Thompson and Jack Chick are totally sane men who are never wrong. Wait, what?
it changes the asteroid's course so that it misses Earth as much as possible.
Which would be a 100% miss, right? Either the asteroid hits the earth, or it misses it, it doesn't just kinda graze it and take out a tree or two. Interesting way of solving it nonetheless.
Nobody can possibly know what those actual odds would be
Except for McGruff's computer simulations.
Now here's an area of physics that I know nothing about but find entirely interesting.
Wait, then how DID you crunch all those numbers that guarantee 100% that we're going to die? (Granted he was talking about much bigger rocks, but let's ignore context here for the sake of joke. Please? Screw context.)
I think it is very safe to assume that mankind will destroy itself sooner or later, or hopefully much later.
Other safe assumptions for the new generation:
-Mankind is not meant to fly, if he was he'd be given wings. Screw your airplane ideas.
-Bad blood causes sickness, so leeching is an awesome way to cure disease.
-A cybernetic 9/11 will cause horrible disasters as Al-Qaeda terrorist hackers cause network outages and the like using the SCADA equipment in your car as a wireless signal tracking point with which to do much damage. Stuff an ordinary ice storm can do, and better, but if terrorist hackers do it we're doomed!
-If you don't all send on this message to EVERYONE in your address book within 3 hours you'll wind up dead by the side of the road in a grisly, unlikely accident.
-If you DO send on this message you'll become a multi-quadrillionaire and live forever in an incredible new body with sculpted abs, and gain magical psychic powers!