Turrets question

Starkey said:
Do you have any screenshots of a Broadsword-Ferret (or other small fighter) wing flying formation?
I don't think so... a Broadsword-Ferret wing would be pretty pointless, too (shame on WC2). I believe the smallest Broadsword escorts we'll use are Epees (which is close enough to a Ferret in size), but I don't think I have any shots. I don't play Broadswords much. :p

Starkey said:
Also, I see from the cockpit screenshots that the missile countermeasures are called, well, "countermeasures" :p. Shouldn´t they be labeled "chaff pods", like in WC2?
What's in a name? They're not called chaff pods because I can't get them to *look* like chaff pods. :p
Starkey said:
Also, I see from the cockpit screenshots that the missile countermeasures are called, well, "countermeasures" :p. Shouldn´t they be labeled "chaff pods", like in WC2?
Well, we concluded pretty early on that if we stuck to chaff pods (which never seem to be used in large quantities), missiles would become a major pain - they're far more persistent in WCP than they had ever been in previous games, and our ships don't have _that_ much fuel to burn. So, we decided to use WC3-like decoys instead, which allows us to explain why there's more of them.

(although it seems we screwed up, since Armada - which takes place after Standoff - has chaff pods. Oh well :p)
No, really, I just didn't want countermeasures that don't look like chaff to be called "chaff pods". :D
If spoofing missiles with a single decoy is a problem, you can always increase the spoof rate for the missile types--IIRC, ImRec missiles have a default spoof chance of around 30% and FF/HS missiles have a default spoof chance of around 50% Chaff pods in WC2 had a 100% spoof success rate, whereas decoys from later games had only a percentage chance of success.
Don´t worry, I´ll harass the Standoff staff only until you release the Prologue :p

(after that, get ready for my daily feedbacks :) )