Tropical Storm/Hurricane Rita

Maj.Striker said:
I'm not talking about getting food and water to feed your family I'm talking bout the people grabbing tvs, computers, stereos etc. no excuse for that. Just declare martial law and shoot them all.

Well we should just go ahead and dump due process then, huh?!? Well while we are at it, just forget that these people are so poor (and ignorant, the two seem to run hand-in-hand) that any material possessions would seem like a gift from heaven. But you know, since they are rebel insurgent terrorist, they should get what's coming to them, like all those heathen arabs as well!
Dragon1 said:
Well we should just go ahead and dump due process then, huh?!? Well while we are at it, just forget that these people are so poor (and ignorant, the two seem to run hand-in-hand) that any material possessions would seem like a gift from heaven. But you know, since they are rebel insurgent terrorist, they should get what's coming to them, like all those heathen arabs as well!

Jerking up the internet? You better believe that's a paddlin.
Bandit LOAF said:
Jerking up the internet? You better believe that's a paddlin.

I think that was verbal gold!

I don't know the exact details, but to my understanding looting happens when any form of law enforcement dissolves. Since there's nobody around to stop them, it's a five finger discount.

Until the National Guard shows up and shoots anything that can steal.
I can't wait to see what rapper Kanye West (A.K.A. Useless Motherfucker) is going to bitch about this time, his "George Bush doesn't care about black people!" rant when he got cut off on live TV was pretty funny. Because Texas is a Republican state, I wonder if he's going to damn all Texans for voting Red last election. I guess I don't "care" about black people either.

And don't forget the conspiracy theory that it was US commandos that destroyed the New Orleans levee and burned dead corpses to keep the official body count low. That was also equally amusing.
People have the right to complain if they think the government has made a shambles of a situation and the Bush administration "the government that will keep you safe" made a fist of responding to Katrina.
Paddybhoy said:
People have the right to complain if they think the government has made a shambles of a situation and the Bush administration "the government that will keep you safe" made a fist of responding to Katrina.

They have the right to complain. Unfortunately, that doesn't mean that they are automatically invulnerable to other people calling them stupid, which I just did.

Until then, watch out for those evil devil-worshipping "don't care about black people" US commandos, you don't know which levee they will destroy next :rolleyes:
I personally don't think much of our commander-in-chief or his lesser officers and while Kayne West's amusing "Bush hates black people" rant sounds like something I should agree with, I know its a headline best left for Access Hollywood than any serious debate.

I think the man may be inept but I doubt hes sitting there, stroking a cat in his lap and playing with his handlebar mustache while dreaming of plots against people of color all over the world.
psych said:
They have the right to complain. Unfortunately, that doesn't mean that they are automatically invulnerable to other people calling them stupid, which I just did.

Until then, watch out for those evil devil-worshipping "don't care about black people" US commandos, you don't know which levee they will destroy next :rolleyes:

I don't think people will be worrying about fictional commandos, just the government that has a pretty poor track record dealing with disasters and an economy that was already struggling before being hit with two natural disasters. And who will all this crap land on first? You guessed it, poor people of which a dispriportionate amount are black
Okay, kids, here's the deal: I'm going to ACL. When I get back, this thread had damn well better be at least 150 percent less stupid, or you're all getting terrible, terrible avatars. We're talking avatars so bad that you won't want to post here ever again. They'll be truly awful. You've got like seven hours to fix this mess. MOVE!
Paddybhoy said:
People have the right to complain if they think the government has made a shambles of a situation and the Bush administration "the government that will keep you safe" made a fist of responding to Katrina.

People don't understand that, BY LAW, the federal government could not step in to help until the state government specifically asks them to, which the Louisiana government did not do. It is in the constitution that the federal government must stay out of state affairs until said state asks them to intervene.
Sarty said:
People don't understand that, BY LAW, the federal government could not step in to help until the state government specifically asks them to, which the Louisiana government did not do. It is in the constitution that the federal government must stay out of state affairs until said state asks them to intervene.

Louisiana is the most corrupt state. They messed up during Katrina. Also, a bus exploded near Dallas and left 24 people dead.
Bus Explodes on Dallas Highway; Up to 24 Dead
Sarty said:
People don't understand that, BY LAW, the federal government could not step in to help until the state government specifically asks them to, which the Louisiana government did not do. It is in the constitution that the federal government must stay out of state affairs until said state asks them to intervene.

There are plenty of restrictions on both the state and national governments, but the federal government can certainly do a lots of stuff without an invitation from the state. Anyhow, any time you ever have to capitalize "BY LAW" and bring up the US constitution at an internet message board, it's time to go home. Everyone would be a lot better off if they read the CZ rules now and abandoned this thread completely.

Chicken said:
I don't know the exact details, but to my understanding looting happens when any form of law enforcement dissolves. Since there's nobody around to stop them, it's a five finger discount.

It's not that simple. Even before Katrina, they did analysis on when and when there wasn't looting in the wake of hurricanes and natural disasters. It takes a certain combination of lawlessness and socioeconomic status to generate looting. Most serious natural disasters don't experience looting on New Orleans' scale.
Look, I didn't mean to spin everything off into an argument. My point that I was trying (probably ineptly) to make was that looting is a horrible crime that leads to complete lawless chaos. The government (both on the federal and state level) has to make it very clear that their toleration of looting is going to be absolutely non existant. In this case, since it's Texas I don't think there will be that much of a problem. Again, I'm not talking about people grabbing some bread for their family, I'm talking about sheer plundering of society. Harsh harsh measures have to be imposed in order to rein in chaos and establish local authority.

Secondly, not all things were handled wrongly in the case of Katrina. There were some great examples of outstanding work by both federal and state employees along with thousands of volunteers. Large scale disasters are very tricky in that you can never really fully prepare for them (i.e you cannot "practice" a full scale evacuation of entire cities, you can have a plan but like the old proverb goes, "all plans become useless once the actions starts" - paraphrased). That being said, it's easy to point the blame at the big bad government system and say they didn't do this and they didn't do that, the point is Katrina is likely the biggest most costliest (is that a word?) disaster ever to hit American soil ever. You don't just recover from something like that in three days. It takes time and even though we don't like it that means people have to put up with the hell that follows in the time after the disaster. Its rough, its horrible, its frustrating but there are no quick fixes, no immediate remedies. The pointing of fingers is amusing but completely useless. That's my thoughts I'll try to stay out of this cause...I certainly don't want a new avater. :)
I actually read an amusing article in the paper the other day about some weatherman in Pocatello, Idaho claiming on television that the recent hurricanes are the result of some Russian electromagnetic generator used to the control the weather. Apparently, this device was purchased by the Yakuza and used against us as a retaliation for the atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
Shipgate said:
I actually read an amusing article in the paper the other day about some weatherman in Pocatello, Idaho claiming on television that the recent hurricanes are the result of some Russian electromagnetic generator used to the control the weather. Apparently, this device was purchased by the Yakuza and used against us as a retaliation for the atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

I live just across the state line in Wyoming. One of the local papers here, Planet Jackson Hole, ran an entire 2 page story on this nut job's theory. It made for some intersting reading if nothing else.

When I want to get the locals here worked up I wear my hat made of aluminum foil to my job at the public library's computer center. When asked why I wear it I'll say it blocks the government from reading my thoughts or that it has wireless access to the Internet. It took a while before I could do it with a straight face.

BigsWickDagger said:
When I want to get the locals here worked up I wear my hat made of aluminum foil to my job at the public library's computer center. When asked why I wear it I'll say it blocks the government from reading my thoughts or that it has wireless access to the Internet. It took a while before I could do it with a straight face.
I'll bet you don't actually do this.