Transport Duel!!!


Seventh Part of the Seal
We all have done a military ship vs. military ship thread...

I think its high time the civilians went at it.

So I chose Confeds best transports (in my opinion) to duke it out.


Drayman (WC1)



Now if these 4 ships were to go into a 4 ship shooting match, say they were from companies that were to fiercly competing that they decided to try to attack each other (... I dunno, saw it happen in a different game.) who would walk away the winner.
Well the Pelican has the best weapons--it has turrets covering most approach angles, while the other transports only have two dual laser turrets each. On the other hand, the Pelican and Evansville are both less maneuverable than the Drayman and Clydesdale.
Well the Pelican has the best weapons--it has turrets covering most approach angles, while the other transports only have two dual laser turrets each. On the other hand, the Pelican and Evansville are both less maneuverable than the Drayman and Clydesdale.

I always thought the Drayman had superior weaponry for a ship of its size. The small size and good manueverability made it a good choice in my book.
or that random dorkathi that every once in a while would hit you with a steady stream of laser fire and destroy you instantly...I HATED that one!!

It seemed to always appear randomly too...maybe an odd bug?
I don't think they are invulnerable... At least AFAIK. One of the times I was playing that WC2 mission, I thought the B. Heather got blown up.
The Pelicans had what appeared to be a flight deck in the middle of them... they almost struck me as small warships given the flight deck and turret armament (especially compared to other WC transports)
The Pelican has shields that protect its vital components from the types of guns that the other three transports carry.

If you attempt to destroy the invincible Bonnie Heather or Gamal Gan using the WC2 cheats, the game crashes :(

I think the winning transport would be the one that successfully boards the other three and kill their crews...
The Pelican has shields that protect its vital components from the types of guns that the other three transports carry.

If you attempt to destroy the invincible Bonnie Heather or Gamal Gan using the WC2 cheats, the game crashes :(

I think the winning transport would be the one that successfully boards the other three and kill their crews...

Hmmm... which did that in Fleet Action?