Totally OT - I need some love guys

There you go, Gryphon. Go catch a good movie, hang out with your friends and play any Wing Commander game. That´s my recipe against bad mood.
Whoops, sorry. I have no experience with STIs whatsoever, so I didn't realise the implications.

But I was going to say, would you be prepared to forgive her for that, if she still wanted you? But then, she was the one to leave, not you, and I guess you've already made up your mind.
Ha ha. Sexually Transmitted Infections. Apparently some people don't like the term "Disease", and "Infection" is probably more accurate.
Getting dumped stings royally, especially when you think you've been dumped for someone else,

Having crawled that particular desert myself you have my sympathies Gryphon, but in time the hurting gets less and you learn to live with what happened
I know that it doesn't feel like that now, but you will see, trust me.

I found that the best thing to do is to find something that you used to enjoy before going out with the person concerned and start doing that again, for me it was rugby and 10 pin bowling.

Now I've scored a far few tries, and made a lot of new friends, and my average is up to 160 again.

I'd like to give you a piece of advice my Dad gave to me a few years ago when I came away to uni.
"Mates are more important than women, women come and go, but your mates will be there for life"
Originally posted by Oggy
I'd like to give you a piece of advice my Dad gave to me a few years ago when I came away to uni.
"Mates are more important than women, women come and go, but your mates will be there for life"
Wow, that's really terrible advice. It's a self-fulfilling prophecy - if you treat the women you get involved with as though they were less important than your friends, then of course women will come and go.
But they DESERVE to be treated that way.

Count your lucky stars, Gryphon. At least you weren't MARRIED.
Women are money grubbers. They are looking for a human wallet to attach onto and suck dry. They want someone to pay the bills so they can lay around on the couch and get fat. Getting married only makes it worse, because then your promise to stick with it through fat and poor keeps you from getting rid of them in a timely manner, and then they punch out a kid and that makes it even more complicated. Listen to Tom Leykis.
That is a gross generalisation. If that is your view on women, then you have obviously been mixing with the wrong sort. I know there are girls who are so vain, spending heinous amounts of money on clothes, shoes, accessories, etc, etc, etc, and latch on to people do get even more money to spend on the aforementioned items, but to say that all women are like that is just plain... wrong. I'm sorry, I can't think of any other way to put it.
That's probably because that's the only way TO put it.

I don't feel like beating a dead horse here, but just give it time and let it sink in, the more time goes by, the better off you'll be about the subject. Besides, in the future, you can look back on this, and see things that actually improved by you learning from such an experience.
Originally posted by Ripper
Women are money grubbers. They are looking for a human wallet to attach onto and suck dry.

This is one of the gayest things ever posted on this forum in a long time.

EDIT: This comment is not supposed to offend gay people.
Originally posted by Ripper
Women are money grubbers. They are looking for a human wallet to attach onto and suck dry. They want someone to pay the bills so they can lay around on the couch and get fat. Getting married only makes it worse, because then your promise to stick with it through fat and poor keeps you from getting rid of them in a timely manner, and then they punch out a kid and that makes it even more complicated. Listen to Tom Leykis.
Interesting. I presume this ever-so-brilliant opinion of women also applies to your mother, niece, and other female members of your family?
Originally posted by Ripper
Women are money grubbers. ... Listen to Tom Leykis.

Ehh.. Tom is terrible. If you're going to live your life through radio personalities, Adam & Dr. Drew will teach you much better (I've heard them squirm in polite disgust at the mention of Tom's name). This goes back to the self-fulfilling prophecy mentioned earlier in the thread. If you believe women are like Tom describes, you'll just seek them out to use them.. and the ones susceptible to such use will be the grubbing slobs. His show caters to the low-brow class of men that couldn't get hard working intelligent women if their life depended on it. Pretty much my last three serious girlfriends (including current) were the exact opposite of that. All have been richer than me and even more devoted to school/work/etc than I've been (and I'm no slouch).
Look, believe me, I used to have that same attitude a few years back, before I got with my now-ex, I had a girl for two years also who cheated on me twice - and I took her back, believing into the last that things would work out... After all that was over, I was set in my belief that women were looking for dildoes with wallets, and that the world was a feministic utopia where women exchanged casual sex for goods and services (in case You didn't notice, I just called all women whores)... Needless to say such an attitude gets You nowhere, and if You get into a relationship alreayd feeling like that You can't help but NOT be amazed at why they all end that way.

At the end of the day relatioships are about two people working together for a common goal. While the catastrophy of having all Your efforts shot in the water by someone who can't pull their own weight is always looming, You can't let that stop You from seeing every person for who she/he is. Not everyone will stab You in the back, though it is true that in the end, most will have by the time You're fifty. I don't believe in soulmates or "the one", but I do believe that intentions are very important. I'd suggest being mates with a woman for a long time before You get together - as You say true mates will be forever. Sounds like You've been stung like me, but I refuse to give up and maintain nonetheless that it's worth the effort, and the hurt, if there's a chance some day someone will walk into Your room early in the morning, dragging a teddybear along the floor syaing "Daddy, wake up!" :) Best of luck to You bro.

And who is this Leykis guy? From what I gather he seems to be some sort of Frasier Crane with a thing for cynicism :D
Originally posted by gryphon
And who is this Leykis guy? From what I gather he seems to be some sort of Frasier Crane with a thing for cynicism :D

I don't know who this Leykis is, either... but he sounds more like a misogynist to me.
Well I don't think there's anything misogynous per se about pointing to the rampant infidelity and general shift from emotional to material relationships in the vein of Sex Adn The City, it's a symptom of our society in general, and certainly not true of women only - unless of course it's how he puts it. Which as I said I don't know.
Originally posted by gryphon
... it's worth the effort, and the hurt, if there's a chance some day someone will walk into Your room early in the morning, dragging a teddybear along the floor saying "Daddy, wake up!" :) ...
Well said, sir!...
That's about the most eloquent post I've seen here on any subject, ever.

And, it's one of the big things that keeps me going on when i get discouraged about the whole "love" thing. As the Word sez: "Children are a blessing from the Lord".

Fact is, I realize I never really knew what love and tenderness were about until sometime after I became a Dad (and I'm no slouch when it comes to feeling/expressing those things with a woman)...