Tom Delay Indicted

if you could have the same person ruling the country as a president or a king, he'd always do a better job as a king than a president, because his actions wouldn't be limited by the need to spend the first four years sucking up to the people to get re-elected
That and those annoying people usually refered to as the opposition.
Altough there is one thing i find odd about that military organisation of the commonwealth: Even though the parliamentarians won the civil war in the 1600's and maintained power ever since then, why does the military pledge allegiance to the crown?
Aplha 1-1 said:
Altough there is one thing i find odd about that military organisation of the commonwealth: Even though the parliamentarians won the civil war in the 1600's and maintained power ever since then, why does the military pledge allegiance to the crown?
Because people find oaths of allegiance to a person far more binding than oaths to a country or an idea. It's easier to believe that breaking such an oath will have real effects (you swore to someone, so he'll hold you responsible; you swore to the constitution and... what? Is a piece of paper gonna hunt you down and kill you?), and that fulfilling the oath particularly well will give you a reward. It's simply a more natural point of reference.
Quarto said:
Because people find oaths of allegiance to a person far more binding than oaths to a country or an idea. It's easier to believe that breaking such an oath will have real effects (you swore to someone, so he'll hold you responsible; you swore to the constitution and... what? Is a piece of paper gonna hunt you down and kill you?), and that fulfilling the oath particularly well will give you a reward. It's simply a more natural point of reference.

We don't swear allegience to a person or to the Constitution. We (military types anyway) swear to uphold and defend it from all enemies, foreign and domestic. And as for me personally, just because I am no longer in the military, doesn't mean I won't bother with it anymore. I consider it a lifelong obligation.