Originally posted by Delance
People have compared Bush with Palpatine, now with Tolwyn. Next perhaps there could be the Tolwyn/Palpatine thread. Blair would be Luke, of course. Who's Darth Vader? Seether? Seether as Luke's father? Oh, how weird.
"Fight well, colonel, I hunger for a true challenge"
"I am your father"
Hmmm...then Paladin would be Obi-wan Kenobi I think. WC3 had lots of parallels with Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope. The Behemoth is basically the Death Star--a top-secret government superweapon designed to destroy entire inhabited planets. The T-bomb run on Kilrah is like Luke's attack on the Death Star, right down to having to launch the torpedo at EXACTLY the right spot. I always imagine Paladin's voice in that shot, saying "Use the Force, Blair!"