Today is a great day, people.

I was just thinking...IIRC the interface stuff is greyscale, and you set the color values as they should appear, right? Are graphics like screen borders, buttons and so on hardcoded, or are they replaceable, too? If you, you could come up with new graphics for them in a style different from the WCP one while keeping the color settings as you have them now.(Rather simple ones would fit IMO, such as the screens in WC3, without all those buttons and what-not which serve no purpose anyway)
Lynx said:
I was just thinking...IIRC the interface stuff is greyscale, and you set the color values as they should appear, right?
Greyscale? Well, no, everything's 8-bit palettized, but not necessarily greyscale.

Lynx said:
Are graphics like screen borders, buttons and so on hardcoded, or are they replaceable, too?
Replaceable. Pierre's editor is now able to import and export BMPs, not just palettes. There are still certain barriers, however, that prevent us from going with all new menus. We can't move any menu elements, and we can't change their size or behavior... at least not yet.

Lynx said:
you could come up with new graphics for them in a style different from the WCP one while keeping the color settings as you have them now.
Yes, that's one of those "planned for Episode N" things. :p

Right now, our number 1 priority is to not get carried away with new ideas.