Not completely. There's a nice little snippet in the WC2 (or WC1?) demo for some reason.Originally posted by Jumper
The truth of it is the WC1/2 engine code is either gone altogether...
Originally posted by TC
It violates trademark if it could have an effect on the perception of the name, AFAIK (and I may be wrong. I have little knowledge of trademark law). Which, since it's called Wing Commander Unknown Enemy, it could have.
Originally posted by TC
Shrinkwrap licenses are bullshit anyway (although for a product that was free, it may be easier to defend it's legitimacy). That doesn't mean this is allowable under copyright law. UE blatantly takes Wing Commander material, recreates it, and distributes it. That'd be like EA going and making Half Life 2, saying they don't own the copyrights and giving it away and that being fine, legally.
Originally posted by DoomsdayPlague
I have yet to download Vegastrike does it support in flight mouse control like prophecy does. (yes I'm to cheap to buy a joystick and anyway I got good flying with an opptical mouse)
Originally posted by TCSTigersClaw
Hey ! Fly with ThrustMaster ! There is the real fan!
Originally posted by TCSTigersClaw
Ups... I wasnt aware of these Doomsday
But the real fun is with Joystick ! When you find an opportunity buy one
Originally posted by DoomsdayPlague
I have a laptop with no pc gameport so the cheap ten dollar joysticks are out of the question and usb is my only alternative and those range $20-$100 more if you get the super fancy ones...