Vice Admiral
I have a quick timeline I was working on that might aid someone who wants to put the document together. This is taken only from Star*Soldier. This list only references events or information related to the Nephilim War.
Undated events that could occur at any time:
???? - Terran-Kilrathi Alliance signed on board the TCS Conqueror.
???? - Battle line moves to defend Ardai.
???? - Battle of Dakota, a single human battlecruiser holds four kraken squadrons at bay until reinforcements arrive.
???? - Dirk Wright commands a fleet at Warsaw against the Nephilim.
???? - Dralthi IX deployed to combat Nephilim.
???? - Bromston Massacre
???? - Burning Battle
Dated/Undated timeline based on educated guesses:
2681 - K'stag System, Hhallas System, Valgard System wormholes open up.
???? - Confederation counter attacks Reef 68C Delta
2686 - TCS Port Broughton enters service, rushing immediatly to the front lines.
???? - TCS Lawrence recsues the TCS Midway after Zhrtx's Doublecross.
???? - TCS Lawrence penetrates 100,000 LY into the Aligned Peoples homeworlds.
???? - Wormhole opened near Corsair system. (B'shriss)
???? - Corsair system stripped and prepped as a marshalling yard.
???? - Battle of Mcauliffe
???? - Battle of Silenos
???? - Evacuation of Torgo, KAS Vrax'hmal closes the alien wormhole long enough for the transport fleet to escape.
???? - Battle of Sirius
???? - Battle of Fiddler's Green
???? - Battle of Reid
???? - Sirus wormhole destroyed, Port Broughton presumed lost
???? - Port Boughton emerge from Charybdis
???? - 18th Fleet arrives from Yelkin II to fortify Firekka.
2691 - "Aligned People" largest fleet deployed in Epsilon to recover a Seltek derelict.
2694 - Battle of Corsair System
???? - Battle of B'shriss
???? - Vengence strikes by Nephilim in the ending stages of the war destroy Antares
Known Wormholes:
(I also believe there is a wormhole in the system B'shriss. A major battle occurs there, while the system is OFF the beaten track. Also several major battles occur in Corsair in the defense of Fierkka. Also Corsair is established as a "marshling point" for the fleet raiding into Nephilim Territory. Lastly, Corsair is stated to being "close" to a Wormhole, even though our list of Known Wormholes places none near to the system.)
Question I have (That might be answered):
K'sk'taq is the same as K'stag? (Marked as so on the CIC Map)
Perry Naval station is known to be destroyed?
Stelkta is a moon in Goddard?
Do we see examples of the Nephilim ever causing a star to go Nova?
Where is Ardai on the map?*
What year did the Nephilim war end?
Where is Dakota on the map?*
Where is Warsam on the map?*
Where is Bromston on the map?*
*I'm sure they're there, just having difficulty locating them.
Questions I still have (And probably can't be answered):
What is "Fluid Space"?
What is the relationship of the Nephilim to the Steltak (Spelling?)?
A Kraken squadron is a squadron of ships with a Kraken as it's flagship, not a squadron of Kraken?
Undated events that could occur at any time:
???? - Terran-Kilrathi Alliance signed on board the TCS Conqueror.
???? - Battle line moves to defend Ardai.
???? - Battle of Dakota, a single human battlecruiser holds four kraken squadrons at bay until reinforcements arrive.
???? - Dirk Wright commands a fleet at Warsaw against the Nephilim.
???? - Dralthi IX deployed to combat Nephilim.
???? - Bromston Massacre
???? - Burning Battle
Dated/Undated timeline based on educated guesses:
2681 - K'stag System, Hhallas System, Valgard System wormholes open up.
???? - Confederation counter attacks Reef 68C Delta
2686 - TCS Port Broughton enters service, rushing immediatly to the front lines.
???? - TCS Lawrence recsues the TCS Midway after Zhrtx's Doublecross.
???? - TCS Lawrence penetrates 100,000 LY into the Aligned Peoples homeworlds.
???? - Wormhole opened near Corsair system. (B'shriss)
???? - Corsair system stripped and prepped as a marshalling yard.
???? - Battle of Mcauliffe
???? - Battle of Silenos
???? - Evacuation of Torgo, KAS Vrax'hmal closes the alien wormhole long enough for the transport fleet to escape.
???? - Battle of Sirius
???? - Battle of Fiddler's Green
???? - Battle of Reid
???? - Sirus wormhole destroyed, Port Broughton presumed lost
???? - Port Boughton emerge from Charybdis
???? - 18th Fleet arrives from Yelkin II to fortify Firekka.
2691 - "Aligned People" largest fleet deployed in Epsilon to recover a Seltek derelict.
2694 - Battle of Corsair System
???? - Battle of B'shriss
???? - Vengence strikes by Nephilim in the ending stages of the war destroy Antares
Known Wormholes:
(I also believe there is a wormhole in the system B'shriss. A major battle occurs there, while the system is OFF the beaten track. Also several major battles occur in Corsair in the defense of Fierkka. Also Corsair is established as a "marshling point" for the fleet raiding into Nephilim Territory. Lastly, Corsair is stated to being "close" to a Wormhole, even though our list of Known Wormholes places none near to the system.)
Question I have (That might be answered):
K'sk'taq is the same as K'stag? (Marked as so on the CIC Map)
Perry Naval station is known to be destroyed?
Stelkta is a moon in Goddard?
Do we see examples of the Nephilim ever causing a star to go Nova?
Where is Ardai on the map?*
What year did the Nephilim war end?
Where is Dakota on the map?*
Where is Warsam on the map?*
Where is Bromston on the map?*
*I'm sure they're there, just having difficulty locating them.
Questions I still have (And probably can't be answered):
What is "Fluid Space"?
What is the relationship of the Nephilim to the Steltak (Spelling?)?
A Kraken squadron is a squadron of ships with a Kraken as it's flagship, not a squadron of Kraken?