Tigers Claw Barracks

I think you shouldn't care so much about the correct scale. In the game the interior scenes just had to look good but there was no need to be accurate in terms of perspective and lighting.

Great job on the Barracks! Are you going to add more details like blankets on the beds, etc.?

When I saw your first shots of the Bar I remembered that I had a try on it several years ago - after a little bit of searching I found the following images :)


  • WC1_Bar_04.jpg
    48.9 KB · Views: 155
  • WC1_Bar_05.jpg
    55.5 KB · Views: 159
I think you shouldn't care so much about the correct scale. In the game the interior scenes just had to look good but there was no need to be accurate in terms of perspective and lighting.

Great job on the Barracks! Are you going to add more details like blankets on the beds, etc.?

When I saw your first shots of the Bar I remembered that I had a try on it several years ago - after a little bit of searching I found the following images :)

Thanks :D , I just wanted things to scale so I could use the models for other things like Halflife maps or something.

I didn't notice that curve up by the recessed lighting at first but I like what you did in your model, I think I'll have to add that. Another thing is I don't have a screen shot when no one is sitting at the tables so I'm not quite sure where the bar ends, or if it bevels like in your model. :(
A Halflife map would definitely be fun :)

Take a look on the image below - that's what I used as a reference for the ending of the bar.


  • WC0305.GIF
    13.2 KB · Views: 145
A Halflife map would definitely be fun :)

Take a look on the image below - that's what I used as a reference for the ending of the bar.

It honestly doesn't look cut off on an angle to me. THe perspective just seems to be shifted to a more indirect angle (facing Iceman).

Good 'ole Shotglass dispenses more then just fine drinks, as his subtle nods coach you through yet another _______ conversation with _______.

I was surprised to find that there is a room behind Shotglass.

I assume by the open space in your image Death Angel, that you had something similar planned?

Even with PNG photobucket's file size restrictions caused a bit of detail to be lost in some of the shadows, much too dark. :(
I didn't think there was a room behind Shotglass - if anything, the original screen has a starfield in the background, so it should just be a viewport and that's it.

How's the barracks coming along? (:
The star field is still there.

I'm referring to the space between the wall on the same plane as the door and the wall behind that, that has the window on it.

I've noticed that nothing in the image shows any depth, I assume for simplicity. The table tops, chairs and bar top show depth but more for the players benefit. The simulator has a bit of forced perspective to show the screen a bit more then it should. The floor is the only clear reference for perspective.

Say everything is like a paper cutout and simply moved forward or back then you have to look for other clues to find the depth of the objects.

If you look at the image there are two sets of gray metal framing, one that runs the length of the image horizontally and sits above the door and the other that frames the window but is obscured. They appear the be the same type of framing and possibly the same size so I duplicated the frame in the foreground and pushed it back till it aligned with the projected image which revealed a bit of room. I say the window's frame is obscured because you can no longer see the metal rivets that accompany the frame on the top, and the framing on the right side of the window is missing completely.

I'm still working on the barracks :D but figuring out this silly room behind Shotglass kept me up all night.

Anywho added in the door and cushions for the chairs. The door was resized to better reflect the size of the characters and other doors from the barracks. I assume the door was large to enable you to read the word "Barracks" and maybe also because Shotglass was so large... his character I suspect was drawn large so he didn't look like this.
Great progress on the Bar, Michelle!

Yes, I thought there must be at least some small room behind the Bar where Shotglass stores all his stuff like bottles and glasses - just from a practical point of view. And as you said, you can't see the whole window framing - actually the window framing on the left is only half visible which made me think that it can't be on the same plane as the wall with the door.

Seeing the guy in the simulator it doesn't look all too comfortable - but that's a warship which is probably not build for comfort, not even the simulator ;)
IMHO, the simulator is too close to the bar. The sim needs to be more in the foreground. No room to talk to Shotglass in its current position.
Small update

I tired a different lighting approach. I used a point area light and just placed it near the HDR lighting but I only did it in the main room and not the adjoining rooms, this allowed me to at least make the lights shorter like they were in the original image.
Beds are still elongated to be to scale, the door height of the Briefing room was raised a little, and the bucket was moved over some.

Also quick question
Would you prefer something like the original scene cropping (looking at this image you can see why the bed's were not drawn to scale.)

the current scene cropping, to show more of the beds.

or something that places the beds more in the center of the image, while at the same time trying to frame the beds but using walls instead of cropping the image.

The archway was modeled after the Midway's Bar Arch but I made it a little more square to match the surroundings.

Oh, and the reason I don't move the camera down to frame the beds is because I want to maintain the camera/scene perspective, this means I can only move the camera back or forward.

One more thing.

The bar and the area behind Shotglass.
In some bars there are panes of glass behind the bar right? Well maybe there might have been glass there reflecting the other side of the room... but this certainly can't be since we don't see Shotglass in the reflection.

If it was glass though it would make connecting the bar to the barracks much simpler since the door to the barracks isn't on the same side as a window into space. It would also help define the other side of the room and I could model it and try an match the reflection but my guess is it wont work out.
I like the last approach with the archway. And what if this wouldn't be an archway but a big window? That would be like you were looking into the Barracks from space.
If it was glass though it would make connecting the bar to the barracks much simpler since the door to the barracks isn't on the same side as a window into space.
I never thought of that as a mistake, I think there are enough features on the ship which could explain such an arrangement.
I like the last approach with the archway. And what if this wouldn't be an archway but a big window? That would be like you were looking into the Barracks from space.

I do like that idea, but I would like to know where the bar, barracks, and briefing room are located on the ship so I could model a very small cutaway view of the TC and join the rooms together.
I never thought of that as a mistake, I think there are enough features on the ship which could explain such an arrangement.

True and I wasn't put off by having the window and the door on the same side, especially since in my opinion there is quite a bit of room behind the wall with the door before you get to the wall with the window. I don't think narrow passageways like those found on Submarines would be unheard of in space.

As viewed from outside the window of the bar, there is enough space for a 2 foot wide door/passageway with about 4 feet of passage between walls. But I was going to use that particular space for bottles or snacks.

Anyone have a clue as to which way the barracks is facing besides the airlock? I was wondering if the airlock goes directly to space or faces the other way towards some area inside the landing deck or hangar bay? Or does it lead to the area where you see the funeral at, because that would mean anyone in the bar at the time that doesn't have a space suit will still be able to watch the funeral from the window assuming the bar window is on the same side. I was also wondering where the Hallway is that you see the pilots running in is located? If the hall was part of the airlock then maybe the pilots go from the barracks to the briefing room then back through the barracks to the airlock and then to the flight deck or hanger.
Would you prefer something like the original scene cropping... the current scene cropping, to show more of the beds... or something that places the beds more in the center of the image, while at the same time trying to frame the beds but using walls instead of cropping the image.
Personally, I'd like to have both a recreation of the original WC1 scene + a full view like you had in the third option. If it's not too much effort. (: Compared with the third image, the second one looks too... I don't know how to describe it... in-betweenish to me. The green walls on the side look too plain, without knowing how it joins on to the room where the 'camera' is.