I know that, but it was just an idea...hmm...it could make a good mod...
1. That ending is only one of many. Their could be a future alternate ending with a child named "Fox Jr."
2. It's possible, that before Andross became a big head with 2 hands, he created a super serum that would actully make him like that purposely. After he was twisted into the new Andross, he started think he was his grandfather.
3. Is it not possible Peppy dies and Pepper's son becomes commander.
4. That's true...
5. But is wasn't. It wasn't even released for SNES so it can't possibly be canon, or even thought of as canon.
1. Ok, fine, it's always possible. And Solar could explode and spray itself over all the planets and kill everyone. What exactly is your point? Not even Nintendo are such bad writers that they would have an "everyone thinks their kid should be named Jr. and go off and do the exact same thing as their parents with the exact same crisis reborn".
2. If that happened, why would everyone still call him Andross? Everyone already knows who Andrew is, no one is going to be fooled, especially not with the scenario you're proposing. If Osama Bin Laden announced today that he wanted to be known as Muhammad from now on, would the US start doing it? No, we'd announce his latest delusion and ignore it thereafter, calling him Osama Bin Laden.
3. Yeah, it's possible, but considering we're already pulling characters out of our butt in Command in a fit of Sonic the Hedgehog syndrome why haven't we seen Pepper's son? And I highly doubt Peppy is going to die for some time- I see him having quite some work ahead of him.
5. It was 99% finished and the material reused for SF64. Don't try to argue that SF2 wasn't canon while attempting to bridge something together that clearly isn't canon as a feasible scenario- it doesn't work. Wait, do try to do that. And by the way since the planet known in all the other games as Fichina appears as Fortuna in SF64, than the first level of SFA takes place in one of the 3rd levels of SF64. I could continue on with this kind've broken logic all day if I wanted to and I'd get smacked upside the head over what was clearly a translation error. The only reason SF2 never saw release was because Nintendo was worried it would hurt sales of the later-delayed SF64.
6. In all the endings where Dash is not mentioned or seen, its safe to assume that he remains a Cornerian pilot, likely under surveillance due to his family's rampant madness. Venom becomes restricted airspace yet again, and Dash never makes it down. The device to make Venom livable remains buried on Titania. At this point, I don't need to work through all the other "possible" endings- either Dash is Dash the villain, and he cannot become Andross because no one will buy it, or he does what Bill does and keeps flying.
If you want to overuse the word canon, here, I'll outdo you. Starfox was definitely a very canon game in the canon universe of Super Nintendo's Starfox. And then SF64 came out and it started its own different canon. A new canon universe. Now, the games after SF64 were canon to that world but not canon to the SNES canon for a number of canonical reasons that we've already outlined. Please stop trying to redefine canon according your idea of canon because it's highly annoying and LOAF will launch a cannon at your house if you keep it up.
Now, if we can stop having this ridiculous argument I suppose I can try and help you- which part of the mission can't you do? And, you have the full load of 3 missiles for Great Fox, right?