They say you wanna Revolution...

Because 4-way split screen isn't hard enough to see? I mean, sure, you could say that theres networking cable - but then why the odd number of controllers?
Leh Hah, read the specs... TWO HD tvs can be plugged to the PS3 simultaneously. They can show two halves of the same screen or different screens. It will be easy to put 4 players on one tv and 3 on the other.AND they're hd, so the resolution is better. And Widescreen too.

Aside from your silly silly post, it is true that games are getting ridiculously expensive to make, only the big publishers are still alive, and that they are terribly afradi of investing money on risky projects. And by risky they mean anything no MADDEN, GTA or FPS.

Katamari Damacy is a really rare gem, and it will become even more precious.
LeHah said:
Because 4-way split screen isn't hard enough to see? I mean, sure, you could say that theres networking cable - but then why the odd number of controllers?

Some of the best games are the ones that *don't* use split screen. e.g. Mario Party was awesome fun with four players. And I always wished that TMNT allowed four players like the arcade did. (I had quite a few younger siblings.)

7 controllers is definitely a weird number though...
Despite the terraflop difference between the 360 and the PS3 I sincerely doubt anyone will see a major difference in the graphics between the two platforms. Sure there will be little things here and there but the PS3 will not "blow the 360 out of the water" or vice versa. The games being developed will be roughly equal with probably PS3 getting the slight nod above the 360.

As for me personally, I will be purchasing a 360 simply because as a general rule I like more of the games typically produced for the xbox than the PS3. I'm not into a majority of the major Playstation franchises like I am in the Xbox section. To me, it seems that xbox games play more like PC games that I"m familar with while a strong number of PS games play like console games (which is of course, what they are and what they probably should be...I'm merely talking about my own humble opinion). As for the additional bells and whistles that both the PS3 and Xbox will be offering (videocams, online marketplaces etc.) I could care less. I don't have enough time to play the few games I way I'm going to have the extra time for all that.
With 7 controllers, you could have 3 teams deathmatch in Halo 3 or something. A team of 3, a team of 3 and the super-rock-hard-ninja guy can be a team all on his own.
Wow, 2 TVs and 7 controllers. Now even larger gatherings of people need no be interrupted by normal social interaction.
I actually like the idea of two TVs for one console. I have a projector system and a TV in the same room, and I would love to play VS mode between the two, but rarely will anyone bring over their console too, and rarely will we both have a copy of a LAN game we want to play. So, in short, single console split TV will be awesome, and I can only hope the Nintendo Revolution will have it too.
Do both of your devices have HDMI ports? Because the PS3 doesn't have two regular AVI outs. It's a good idea, but I don't think the PS3 is really going to implement it. From a developer's standpoint, you're making games to utilize the power of the system as it is.. If you're outputting a whole new set of stuff for four more people to a second tv, you've now halved the power. If this ever does pan out, I'm afraid it'll be like handheld single-cartridge multiplayer, meaning it'll be stripped way way down unless each tv has its own console.
There's always the alternative too, with games where it's multiplayer on one screen, which can work extremely well sometimes(Super Smash Bros anyone?) and sometimes it doesn't, but either way, it's a method that's popular enough that 7 controllers makes sense. Well, maybe not 7, but more than 4.
Jesus said:
There's always the alternative too, with games where it's multiplayer on one screen, which can work extremely well sometimes(Super Smash Bros anyone?)

Are you trying to convince people of the obvious? I'll have to agree: sometimes multiplayer games work well.

Jesus said:
and sometimes it doesn't, but either way, it's a method that's popular enough that 7 controllers makes sense. Well, maybe not 7, but more than 4.

Most games will get too crowded after four players on one screen. The PS2 had eight player multiplayer via an adapter, but it was almost never used. There's millions of great niche things developers *could* do, but I'd rather developers usually not spend their very limited time creating modes that less than 1% of the players would ever been in a situation to utilize.
Someone highlighted the new post-E3 Nintendo box arts. Really a killer lineup I think. I could go for every single one of these, and I've really super looking forward to four or five of these.



DAMN IT! Now I have to buy all these games.
My favorites: SMStrikers (Just love arcade futebol), Fire Emblem, and all DS ones.
I'll get DDR Mario mix, but that's it from the GCN titles, well, Zelda too, but it's not listed. As for the DS titles, I could buy all of them, but with my budget, I'll stick with ACDS(can't...wait...), Mario Kart DS, New Super Mario Bros, and maybe Nintendogs, I mean, it's just so awesome looking in terms of graphics and AI, but also, I can pet a dog and not have to worry about allergies! Yup, I'm almost sold on Nintendogs.

Then it's a coin toss between Advance Wars, Hunters, and M&L2, because they all look good, but not that good. Then again, that's what I used to think of Fire Emblem. Note the verb is in past tense. Buying a copy changed my mind a good bit.

And no, I wasn't trying to convince you of the obvious, I meant that some games work well at having multiplayer without split screen, like Party games, some sports games, and super smash brothers. Not games like Everything or Nothing though. That was horrible, just wretched.