212 Squadron - "The Old Man's Eyes And Ears"
There are two main classes of Imperial Star Destroyer, the Imperial 1 and the Imperial 2. The Impstar Duece (as it is called in the Xwing novels) is a upgraded version with more powerful weaponry, but a sacrifice of some shield strength.
Stuff like this is what made me stop reading Star Wars books.
Every fandom is allowed to have its little corners of nerdiness where you can wonder if Luke Skywalker could kill Roy Batty or if Han Solo could beat up Indiana Jones *and* Dr Allie Fox - but the Star Wars novels take it to new extremes of stupid. Star Destroyers hidden underground on Coruscant as prisons, Luke having super-mega-powers, great-great-descendants of characters, Boba Fett being a 98 year old clone and looking for a cure, nine variations of one ship type with the tenth one being labeled "DESIGN X" because its *that* powerful. And its not like we can blame one author - its seemingly *all of them* (Yes, even Zahn and anyone else you like)
I can't think of another series whos books do more discredit to its source.