maniac89 said:Thanks! Here goes (I hope it helps!):
AD said:About sound, I don't use movie maker for one. However, when you go to make your movie, it asks you about quality. Chose other and then from the menu pick high quality video. That should ensure a higher bitrate is asigned to the audio as well.
maniac89 said:I need you guys' advice:
There is this mission (Mission 5, to be precise) that I am stuck on. I finally give up and complete the mission falied. Is it ok to a have a mission or two failed?
The Maniac
maniac89 said:I feel silly saying this, considering I understand the concept and everything, but here goes:
When I Save to My Computer,(I'm saving under drive D.) I chose to save it with high quality video(large). I do it, it shows the loading thing for a moment and then says "Windows Movie maker cannot save to the specified location. Please make sure that files in the project are in the folder". They are, and I don't know what to do there! Any help would be greatly appreciated.
The Maniac
maniac89 said:I have tried PowerDirector in order to get higher video quality at a quicker pace, but for me to convert my already existing part of the movie from Windows Movie Maker to that, would be very time consuming. At the moment I'm trying to find an easier way to do this