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Hi t.c.cgi,

Speaking plainly,

Delusion: The lamb was indicted by Roman laws.

Reality: Pilate’s words remained the same: “I find no basis for a charge against him.”

Delusion: Pilate presided at a trial.

Reality: A second trial would invalidate the authority of the High Priests and of the Synedrium before the eyes of the Hebrew people, and would violate the Law that attests "One only Law shall be to him who is born at home, and to the stranger who lives as a foreigner among you”. The fact of asking the lamb five questions doesn’t mean that Pilate held the intention of presiding at a trial. A second trial by the invader’s laws was not what the High Priest asked Pilate to do.

Delusion: The lamb was held prisoner inside the Praetorium.

Reality: The lamb was not Pilate’s prisoner; the Praetorium was the headquarters of a military unit, not a trial Court.

Delusion: The High Priests asked Pilate to nail him on a Roman cross.

Reality: The High Priests’ words remained the same: “We have a Law and he shall die according to our Law.” The word cross does not exist in the books of the Law and of the Psalms and of the Prophets.

Laconic Reunification of scriptures as originally written/ “These are the words which I spoke to you, while I was yet with you, that all things must be fulfilled, which are written in the books of the Law and in the books of the Prophets, and in the Psalms concerning me.”

Paraphrase of scriptures at Mark as originally written;

again the high priest asks him, and says to him, Are you the Kodhesh [Holy One] of Ishrael? And Gehav-óshua said, * I AM, and at this immediate moment I can be seen sitting at the right hand of Power, glittering in the clouds of the heaven.

* Gehavéh; ancient Hebrew language; Ge - I, Havéh - Am.

1st Contradiction from the Version of the reality: “..are you the son.. ?” -

[the lamb was not condemned by pronouncing the words “I son of El”, or ‘bar-Yah’ in Hebrew;

Because the Law does not condemn anyone by saying that. Even the statement which belongs from the doctrine of the seventy-one sages of the Hebrew Court has always been that “all the human beings are sons of El”.]

Pilate and the High Priests.

- What accusation do you bring against this man?

- If this man weren’t our prisoner, we wouldn’t have brought him up to you.

- Then why don't you take him yourselves, and judge him according to your law?

- We have been impeded from executing a sentence to death with our own hands.

The reason why the High Priest’s went before Pilate;

The High Priests already had sentenced Him to death, and the only barrier that impeded them from tying His hands together above his head to a post was the presence of the roman army. Judea had been invaded by the Roman empire. Pilate was the representative of the invaders; he was called by the title ‘Pontius’ which means ‘commander’ of the Praetorium;

Only the Romans had the right;

- to appoint and crown the kings.
- to demand unpaid help from the Hebrew population.
- to ask anyone to serve them.
- to impose the death penalty.
- to cause to cease any death penalty.

In that moment, by saying ‘take him yourselves and judge him according to your law’, Pilate didn’t know that their prisoner had already been judged and sentenced to death by the Law of the Hebrew Court at the Sanhedrin.

Now, all that the High Priests were asking for was nothing more than the help of roman soldiers to do what a non-roman could not do: “to tie a sentenced one to a Hebrew green tree”.

2nd Contradiction from the Version of the reality: ‘We want him to be crucified’ -

[The roman cross was the symbol of the roman occupancy and had the form of a roman sword. To the Hebrews and the High Priests the roman cross represented submission and humiliation before the invader, an unclean enemy].

Paraphrase of scriptures as originally written.

- Are you the King of Ishrael?

- ‘*King’ as romans use the word, or, as it is said in Ishrael?

- Am I a Hebrew? For what reason do your own people and the chief priests wish your death? What have you done?

The word ‘*king’ never existed in the ancient Hebrew language, but ‘Anointed’ which means ‘elected from above’, as the Anointed David was, unlike the word king which retains the meaning of ‘appointed from down’.

- My Kingdom is not of this age. If my Kingdom were of this age, then the Hebrews would fight, that I wouldn’t be delivered to the roman soldiers. But now my Kingdom is not from this age.

3rd Contradiction from the ‘Version’ of the reality: “..would fight, that I wouldn’t be delivered to the Hebrews..” -

[The lamb was being delivered to the roman soldiers].

- Are you a king then?

- You would say that I am a king; I have been born to be Anointed of the Truth, and for this reason I have come into the world, that I should testify to the Truth. Everyone who is of the Truth listens to my voice.”

- What Truth?

- I find no basis for a charge against him. But you have a custom, that I should release someone to you at the Passover. Therefore do you want me to release to you the King of Ishrael?

- Not this man, but Barabbas!

[the Hebrew people would want him to release Barabbas, because they knew that the lamb was not Pilate’s prisoner, the commander of the Praetorium [Roman military unit] could not invalidate a Sanhedrin's authority, not even was the lamb sentenced to death according to the roman laws].

- Behold, I bring him out to you, that you may know that I find no basis for a charge against him. Behold, the man!

- Suspend him on a tree! Suspend him on a tree!!

- Do you want me suspend the king of Ishrael? I do authorize you to take him yourselves, and using your own hands nail him on a cross, for I find no basis for a charge against him.”

- We have a Law, and he shall die according to our Law (where there is no cross), because he made himself Gehaveh [I AM] the Holy One of Ishrael.

by Sapphir.
What is your point? I don't understand what you are trying to do. Are you here only to preach to us? Do you even have an interest in Wing Commander? Why do you speak of delusions, versions, and reality?
Meaning no offense, I think that your points and questions might be better suited to a theological forum than a forum dedicated to science fiction... in that you might find better interest on a theological discussion forum... what you're doing here seems to me, and apparently to others to either be some sort of strange joke, some sort of method of evangelism, or some sort of attempt to show off your knowledge on the topic of the crucifiction (and the theology related to it). At the least, perhaps stating your points clearly and concisely, or even just explaining your purpose might at least allow for some friendly conversation as opposed to the adversity you're getting here. That aside... out of curiosity, if you ARE indeed serious about what you've posted, would you mind telling me where exactly you got the numbered points (which seem alot like quotations) for your second post? I ask only out of pure curiosity.
Hi d3r3k,

Purpose: Put the facts in evidence.

Style of writing: The most laconic as possible; not 'convincing', neither 'through faith' not even 'through believing'.

I just put the facts in evidence. Not preaching. People with a certain level of understanding would have ability to view the scriptures in a Non-religion and Nonfiction reality.

Obviously, you believe deeply in what you are doing. I have a fair amount of experience dealing in parables and symbolism (I'm a psychotherapist as well as a religious man, and I have a background in both Ancient American lore and Egyptology, so I think I've gotten a dose of parable and sybmolism from several angles), and thus I understand that they both conceal and illuminate, for those who are only willing to look at face value and for those who are willing to look more deeply.

However, you are not actually speaking in a parable. You are pulling things, apparently at random, from the Bible and from Bible scholarship, as if playing some sort of Biblical version of "Trivial Pursuit." You are not forming a coherent whole, as is necessary for a parable. You're cognitive wandering does not appear to have application to daily life or future goals, as is also necessary for a parable. You refer to symbols, yet you make no use of them beyond identifying them. You appear both very learned and very confused at the same time. The evidence you provide is neither clear in its purpose, nor is it entirely internally coherent in structure.

While you are presenting some interesting trivia, I cannot see a purpose in what you are doing. I suppose there is no harm in it, but I do have to say that I don't believe it is a very effective way of relating to people. We'd be glad to talk to you if you would address us in a little more... human manner. If not, I will say my farewell to you now.
I feel that many of the facts that you have stated are already well understood throughout Christianity. Your purpose still baffles me. Why here? What version of the bible do you quote the scripture from?
So what are you trying to say exactly? I'm not sure many people are mistaken that crucifixion was somehow a Jewish thing, but rather a painfull execution created by the Romans, and carried out by the Romans because they were The Man at the time. This is not exactly news.

And you seem to like the term 'non-religion'. Is this a euphamism for atheist or secular?
Hi dragoon,

The seven numbered points were quoted from the cover of a book written on the outside and sealed within [spiritually sealed]. They are transcriptions of the prophecy attested in the last book of the scriptures. The number 1/2. represents the half of seven.

Regarding what you mentioned, about 'discussion forums'; Wherever is there a distinction between the 'Versions of the scriptures' and the Scriptures as originally written, then, there would be no discussion. For the knowledge of the Truth leaves no room for a rebuttal.
Everytime you post something, you seem less and less credible to me. Again, what translation/interpretation/version of the bible do you quote scripture from? Could you be a tad more specific about this "book written on the outside and sealed within [spiritually sealed]." Is that just a fancy term for the Bible?
Sapphir7 said:
Hi dragoon,

The seven numbered points were quoted from the cover of a book written on the outside and sealed within [spiritually sealed]. They are transcriptions of the prophecy attested in the last book of the scriptures. The number 1/2. represents the half of seven.

Regarding what you mentioned, about 'discussion forums'; Wherever is there a distinction between the 'Versions of the scriptures' and the Scriptures as originally written, then, there would be no discussion. For the knowledge of the Truth leaves no room for a rebuttal.

If you want to discuss the seven trumpets of Revelation, the 3 and 1/2 years of tribulation, the mystery of BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS, the battle of Gog and Magog, I'd be more than willing to share my understanding. But not in the incoherent confines of this thread in the manner you've stated.
If you want to have an off-topic conversation, we are typically open to that. However, posting archane, convoltued, and apparently pointless things is at the very least considered to be bad manners. Please, if you want to post here, post something that people can respond to and relate to, not just endless drivel.

Couln't have said it better myself. Sapphir7, if you want to talk about theology, go to some other forum. You've not only bewildered everyone reading this, but your jargon has nothing to do with anything.

(P.S.: Because this Thread can't get any weirder, I saw on that George Takai recently came out of the closet.)

I feel that this thread is getting to weird, so here's this picture I took:


  • Hades1.jpg
    17.9 KB · Views: 140
Hi d3r3k,

A Paraphrase of the scriptures; or transcriptions, are not Versions of the scriptures, but simply texts in which the original contents have been restored.

The facts that I have stated have been never understood throughout Christianity;

According to Christianity:

- The lamb was indicted by Roman laws.

- Pilate presided at a trial.

- The lamb was held prisoner inside the Praetorium.

- The High Priests asked Pilate to nail him to a Roman cross.

According to the Reality [paraphrases - or; the Scriptures as originally written], the lamb was not nailed to a roman cross, but had His hands tied together with chords above His head to a green Hebrew tree:

- Pilate’s words remained the same: “I find no basis for a charge against him.”

- A second trial would invalidate the authority of the High Priests and of the Synedrium before the eyes of the Hebrew people, and would violate the Law that attests "One only Law shall be to him who is born at home, and to the stranger who lives as a foreigner among you”. The fact of asking the lamb five questions doesn’t mean that Pilate held the intention of presiding at a trial. A second trial by the invader’s laws was not what the High Priest asked Pilate to do.

- The lamb was not Pilate’s prisoner; the Praetorium was the headquarters of a military unit, not a trial Court.

- The High Priests’ words remained the same: “We have a Law and he shall die according to our Law.” The word cross does not exist in the books of the Law and of the Psalms and of the Prophets.
Either you are a bot or a very aggravating individual, you answer all questions and comments with the same thing, just re-worded.
Sapphir7, I believe your name represents to great lengths the persona you are, as does everyone's name. I am a solely devoted Christian who wants to remain loyal to God and his amazing Son Jesus for my entire life, as my mother was a religion teacher, my great uncles are Jesuits, and we're a big, close, Irish family that is extremely religious. Your name, on the other hand, means a lot about you as well. Like a Saphire, but not quite right. Seven clearly showing your devotion to God, like a Saphire you are beautiful in your own way, bright and gaining attention, though as the typo notes, words are not your strong point. It is very clear, you see, that the names God gives us, even on the internet, show everything about us.

But, that shouldn't matter. You have devoted time and effort to these underappreciated posts, that of which I find the most intruiging. It's a bit hard at first, but truely religious people know that you do not read with your eyes, or even your comprehension or brain sometimes, but rather, your heart. I read your posts with my heart, and I could see that you love God, though you want to know more, know the truth, your brilliant mind feeling trapped by the cold stone encasing of the Saphire that is your mind. You shall never break that surface unless you have a stronger stone though. You are not the diamond, but you need a diamond to set you free, or something stronger than a Saphire at the least. My facts might not be right on this, but that's not what matters, I'm speaking through my heart.

Look at Exodus 1, a random passage that God has lead me to choose. The very first line, "Now these are the (A)names of the sons of Israel who came to Egypt with Jacob; they came each one with his household:" stating the names of Israel, the father of what I believe led to the Jewish religion. He may not be Moses, but he was just as important, if not more. Names is another thing here, extremely important, as I was stating, you can tell everything from a name. Israel, the name of a man, of a race almost, of an amazingly important part of the world. But that's not the point here, the point is, God leads us to the right choices in mysterious ways. With a reason behind every action, you cannot begin to be as close to God as you want, but it's so wonderful that you're trying. I accept my life, and make it better, but you are not satisfied, and you will find awnsers that way someday.

Truly, you must not seek the awnsers among others, but among yourself. Remember that diamond? No human being is that powerful, but rather, that Diamond, is God. The ultimate being, and the ultimate source of discovering one's self, God has all the awnsers, you just need to look.

In the end, I believe that the only thing we can do is help you to search yourself for God's awnsers. I believe we should IP ban you from these forums, in order to iscolate you from us, and to help you on your way to realizing that the only one who can awnser your questions is God, and you can only speak to God through yourself. Others will help, but you must reflect, and know yourself, to know others, to know God.

Amen, and may God bless you on your eternal journey.
Sapphir7 said:
Hi d3r3k,
According to Christianity:

- The lamb was indicted by Roman laws.

- Pilate presided at a trial.

- The lamb was held prisoner inside the Praetorium.

- The High Priests asked Pilate to nail him to a Roman cross.

Yeah, funny thing. I've always understood those facts.
Know what I haven't had in a while? Big Leauge Chew

I prefered those giant Sweet Tarts that you can't get anymore, the ones the size of a silver dollar.

Oh, and Jesus, I don't think there is any point to responding to this guy's inane ramblings. He's most likely some bored person's bot.
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