The Soaks Pistols!!!

The Bow & Arrow had a small tank that you pressurized with a pump. Pulling back on the arrow allowed this pressurized water to fill a firing chamber, and when you let go it shot out. It's a neat collector's piece, but since the water is limited and you can't fire any sustained bursts, it's hard to use in a water fight.
Wow, I think I remember seeing a supersoaker RPG (or something like that) and that thing would just completly cover you from head to toe like you just jumped in a pool. I don't really recall it that well though. You got something similar to that? Or did I just confuse it with something else.
I'm not sure what you mean by "RPG." There are several types of Super Soaker branded water balloon throwers - from slingshots to lacross stick things. And there are also "shotgun" style models that first a huge burst. Many of the larger blasters are capable of putting out more than a water balloon's worth of water per second as well.
That's pretty cool Chris. I don't often read the Sun so I didn't see the article. Too bad you didn't plug the site
He couldn't, really, and even if he did it wouldn't make it into the story. The story's focus is on Super Soakers, not Chris' other interests.
There's always been a big button on my super soaker page that links back to the CIC, which is probably the only plug that makes sense. It's gotten 70,000 hits, so some people have found their way here from there. My referral logs show links from Google searches for stuff like "super soaker collection" these days, so presumably some of those are from attention like this.

I was quite shocked when I read through the posts from that thing. Each to their own