The LOTR series won more award than any other series ever, Godfather got 9. It also tied Ben Hur and Titanic for most Oscars ever won, quite an accomplishment when one considers that best actor/actress wasn't a catagory. It was a good movie, and the series was awesome. Fatboy Lucas might have lost greatest trilogy ever.
I wished Master and Commander did better, I liked LOTR more, mainly cause of the feelings of awe, and the fact that I am a fantasy buff, but Master was the best movie of its kind ever made. Mystic river, didn't see it, but if it got released again like it it did, it must have have been a powerful movie. Oh where did Sean Pean come from anyway, last time I saw him was on the Metallica tribute show, and he was either drunk or stoned out of his mind talking about when he first saw them twenty or so years ago, and about how they weren't gonna go anywhere with a name like "metal licka"
I kinda knew that LOTR was gonna sweep though after the golden globes. I think that ROTK was the only movie ever to win the most Oscars and sweep them at the same time (don't quote me though, only have watched a few of them). I knew that ROTK would get best special effects too, only Lucas and his unlimited budgets for the new SW flicks could beat LOTR. I was suprised that Cruise didn't get nominated for the Last Samurai, a great movie, though it was given a hollywood ending.
On a lighter note, Master and Commander was filmed in Oregon and Washington, near where I live, and they hired liked 300 sailors to fill out the roles of the crewmen. And the guy who played Pippen was in it to, him and the guy that played Merry are gonna be cursed like SW and ST actors (aside from Ford and on a lesser note Hammil though not really lol), always known for thier for "famous" roles.
Whew that was a big post lol.