gh0d (Administrator)
First: for the record, I really don't give two squirts of warm piss what Fatcat, SA, or any other random idiot else thinks of me. If they want to be stupid like Fatcat is being and dismiss me based on something I am, that's their problem. What's said of me by some J. Random Intarwebber has precisely zero effect on me or mine in the offline world.
Second: Fatcat, you're still being an idiot with the "furry=sex freaks and/or fetishists" thing. If you can't provide evidence you have two or more neurons to rub together, at least learn to fake it.
Third: "Furry" is, in its most basic form liking anthropomorphized animals (that is, animals given human traits; this can be anything from, say, the Kilrathi, with generally humanoid-but-nonhuman bodies, to something like "The Lady and the Tramp", where physically non-anthropomorphic animals are given the ability to speak and interact with their environment in a sapient manner).
For some that just means collecting anthropomorphic (from here on just "anthro" for the sake of convenience) artwork like Disney comic books or anthro animal movies. This is probably one of the larger, if not the largest, sub-groupings of "furry", but since no one blinks at collecting every single issue of Donald Duck comics it doesn't get the dramarama and big noise from the enterta... erm, excuse me, news media.
For others, furry is about identifying with an animal spirit, believing one's soul to be put in the wrong body, or otherwise being about some variety of spirituality more than about the art. The general term for this group is "lifestylers", from furry being more than just a fandom for this group, but a lifestyle or part of one. This is where I fit in, although it's not really something about which I bug others.
For still others (primarily the group that people like Fatcat seem to think is the entirety of "furry"), it's about T3H S3XX0R, whether as or with animals, anthro or not. These are the folks who get mentioned in things like MTV's "Sex2K" or the CSI episode "Fur and Loathing" (or something like that), and often lampooned specifically by such charming folks like SA goons and other intarwebbers who seem to measure their self-worth by how they mock, abuse, or belittle others (not infrequently within close proximity to voicing complaints about how they're mocked, abused, and belittled by other groups). As a percentage of "furry" in general, they're a quite small segment. However, because of the aforementioned people/shows/etc, they're the ones that get the most airtime, often in the form of "look at those freaks, we're so much better than them".
Now, I'm not claiming to be some Grand Guru of Furry™, or otherwise claiming to be definitive, so don't go citing me as a reference. The above is just my opinion.
Finally: cake
(Fuck pie, that's so last week.
Second: Fatcat, you're still being an idiot with the "furry=sex freaks and/or fetishists" thing. If you can't provide evidence you have two or more neurons to rub together, at least learn to fake it.
Third: "Furry" is, in its most basic form liking anthropomorphized animals (that is, animals given human traits; this can be anything from, say, the Kilrathi, with generally humanoid-but-nonhuman bodies, to something like "The Lady and the Tramp", where physically non-anthropomorphic animals are given the ability to speak and interact with their environment in a sapient manner).
For some that just means collecting anthropomorphic (from here on just "anthro" for the sake of convenience) artwork like Disney comic books or anthro animal movies. This is probably one of the larger, if not the largest, sub-groupings of "furry", but since no one blinks at collecting every single issue of Donald Duck comics it doesn't get the dramarama and big noise from the enterta... erm, excuse me, news media.
For others, furry is about identifying with an animal spirit, believing one's soul to be put in the wrong body, or otherwise being about some variety of spirituality more than about the art. The general term for this group is "lifestylers", from furry being more than just a fandom for this group, but a lifestyle or part of one. This is where I fit in, although it's not really something about which I bug others.
For still others (primarily the group that people like Fatcat seem to think is the entirety of "furry"), it's about T3H S3XX0R, whether as or with animals, anthro or not. These are the folks who get mentioned in things like MTV's "Sex2K" or the CSI episode "Fur and Loathing" (or something like that), and often lampooned specifically by such charming folks like SA goons and other intarwebbers who seem to measure their self-worth by how they mock, abuse, or belittle others (not infrequently within close proximity to voicing complaints about how they're mocked, abused, and belittled by other groups). As a percentage of "furry" in general, they're a quite small segment. However, because of the aforementioned people/shows/etc, they're the ones that get the most airtime, often in the form of "look at those freaks, we're so much better than them".
Now, I'm not claiming to be some Grand Guru of Furry™, or otherwise claiming to be definitive, so don't go citing me as a reference. The above is just my opinion.
Finally: cake
(Fuck pie, that's so last week.