Maj.Striker said:No, your numbers are way off. The cost to the US military for one F22 Raptor is a great deal higher than $22M. In fact, an F15 cost around $25M while the F16 cost around $16M. The F22 in its current form is not twenty years old, the project or idea to design the F22 is about twenty years old. That's like saying that a Corvette is fifty years old because they started designing the first one way back when. The F22 may have began its life cycle twenty years ago but along the way its been redesigned, reconfigured and updated to make it the most sophisticated Fighter in active service today. You don't think it's operating on 1986 computer chips do you?
Blimey - the F22 is an absolute bargain compared to the billions squandered on the Euro-Fighter, which is pretty much hated by most RAF pilots.
As to the whole tank/machine-gun argument (and by the way, have you noticed how the Germans had all the cool toys in WWI and II but still lost?), IMO whatever advances we have in war, the problem these days is what to do with the conquered/occupied country afterwards. Will our boys ever come home from Afghanistan, Iraq, and now are we off to invade Iran? Pretty soon most of the western forces will be so involved in so-called "Peace Keeping" that there won't be anyone left to fight wars.