The Fleets and Admirals of Confed.


Vice Admiral
We have lots of good information on the ships and individuals, but I was wondering how much information do we have on the fleets? Is there any organization shown in development materials, indication of their composition, how many there are, etc? Or how about who commanded what fleet during a certain period of time?
I seem to recall a thread from a while back when we discussed this stuff. I'd do a search but being at work time is a bit limited.
Space Point!

We have very little information...

Tolwyn commanded the Fourteenth Fleet in Wing Commander II.

Banbridge commanded the Third Fleet in Fleet Action. When he died, Tolwyn was given the command... and after the war Admiral Petranova was in charge of the Third.

Admiral Long commanded the Seventh Fleet at McAuliffe (during the Ambush.)
Given the change in colors, and Tolwyn's change of command, we could assume that the color of Fourteenth is green, and Third is blue.

Was Seventh Fleet still intact after the ambush? Action stations is one of the books I haven't read yet.
Was Seventh Fleet still intact after the ambush? Action stations is one of the books I haven't read yet.

It is not, few if any ships survive the ambush and the ensuing battle.
Lets make a big list of every Admiral we can think of! (Just thought of this while searching for something - will contribute soon.)
I don't think you can include Commodore Reismann in that list. The promotion seems sort of self-proclaimed. :)
Since I'm lying in bed with a Confed Handbook, here's our start:

Space Marshall Geoffrey Tolwyn - Commander, 14th Fleet (2654)
Admiral William Wilson - Commander, Pegasus Naval Base (2654)
Commodore Lauryn DeLucaz - Execuive Officer, Pegasus Naval Base (2654)
Commodore Tuesday Frace - Commander, 32nd Space Force (2654)
Commodore James Taggart - Naval Intelligence (2654)
Port Admiral Miru - Commander, Hellespont Naval Station (2638)
Now with Fleet Action and End Run (... and Commodore Bellegarde - poor guy.)

Space Marshall Geoffrey Tolwyn - Commander, 14th Fleet (2654), Commander, Task Force 45 (2668), Commander, 3rd Fleet (2668)
Admiral Ching - Commander, TCS Moskva (2668)
Admiral Wayne Spencer Banbridge - Commander, 3rd Fleet (2668)
Admiral Bjornsson - Commander, TCS Verdun (2668)
Admiral Noragami - Head of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (2668)
Admiral William Wilson - Commander, Pegasus Naval Base (2654)
Rear Admiral Allen Zitek - (2668)
Commodore Richard Bellegarde - Naval Ops Adjunct, HQ Command (Concordia) (2668)
Commodore Jason Bondarevsky - Commander, TCS Tarawa (2668)
Commodore Lauryn DeLucaz - Execuive Officer, Pegasus Naval Base (2654)
Commodore Tuesday Frace - Commander, 32nd Space Force (2654)
Commodore Thaddeus O'Brian - Commander, TCS Tarawa (2667)
Commodore Michael Polowski - Commander, 3rd Destroyer Group (2668)
Commodore James Taggart - Naval Intelligence (2654)
Port Admiral Miru - Commander, Hellespont Naval Station (2638)
(Unspecified) Lyford Beverage - Commander, First Cruiser Squadron (2668)
A Commodore in Wing Commander is a one-star Admiral - what the United States Navy calls a Rear Admiral (Lower Half) today.
From Action Stations:

From the foreword written post-WC4 (no date of publication attached):

- Admiral Geoffrey Tolwyn, VC, MOH, DSC, KCB (decorations) ; First introduced in AS as Ensign Geoffrey Tolwyn (2634)
Note: seems a bit of a surprise that his promotion to Space Marshal isn't listed here, as there is a specific reference to Tolwyn's court martial and suicide in text, as related by the fleet historian (Forstchen) unless this was an intentional reference to the most prevalent rank associated with Tolwyn in the games and most of the novels?
- Admiral Vance Richards, MOH, DSC, FC (ret.) ; Richards is first introduced as "Lieutenant Richards" (2634)
- Commodore Kevin Tolwyn
- Rear Admiral Jason "Bear" Bonderevsky [Bondarevsky in Fleet Action!] (I suspect this supercedes his final rank in FC, but will have to check)

From the main text:

- Rear Admiral Joshua Speedwell, Confederation Fleet Intelligence (2634)
- Admiral Spencer "Skip" Banbridge, Chief of Staff (2634) -- CIC gets mentioned, but shouldn't that title officially go to the President of the Confederation?
- (Admiral?) Kolensky -- Senator More's choice to replace Banbridge should More's party win the upcoming election in AS
- Commander Winston Turner
- Admiral Nagomo, Commander, McAullife (2634)
- Akiko Kurusawa, Captain (TCS) Gibraltar (2634)
- Rear Admiral Dayan, Commander, Task Force 21 (2634)
- Admiral Frederick Long, Commander, Seventh Fleet, Alexandria Station (2634)

Anyway, that's about all of the Confed commanders up to p.223 -- I'll have to go through the rest later tonight.
Just want to mention her before anybody else does it:

Admiral Rhya Bergstrom form WCATV. (though I'm unsure about the spelling). And I don't remember if her fleet was mentioned.
Action Stations continued...

I can't edit my previous post, so here's as much of the remaining Confed command personnel and Fleet composition as I can ascertain from Action Stations. As an addendum, Rear Admiral Dayan's first name is Naomi. Also, I was wondering about Vance Richard's reference (P.3) in the foreword to AS, where is he listed as retired. The foreword is undated, but is constructed to imply that it was written in the aftermath of WC4, with references to Tolwyn's court martial and suicide. The only problem being that Richards is killed in False Colors, which happens what, a year or so after WC3?

- Lieutenant Commander Valeri Olson, Concordia Watch Officer (2634)
- Captain Mifune, Concordia (2634)
- Captain Hans Kruger, Landreich Militia (2634)

Explicit promotions post-McAuliffe
- First Lieutenant Geoffrey Tolwyn
- Rear Admiral Winston Turner

Fleet Composition

- P.48 Vance Richards notes that "there's only six [Confed] carriers for this entire sector, nine for the entire fleet."
- Turner mentions on P.293 that "we've lost over eighty ships, the base... and at least two hundred thousand personnel." He also notes just before on P.292 that only three frigates, a couple of destroyers and one light cruiser managed to escape Alexandria station to rendezvous with Task Force 21.

Plan Orange Five
- Forward fleet deployment at McAuliffe to protect the outer worlds while limited strikes occur in Facin Sector.
- Operations in Facin sector implemented by elements of Task Force 23.

Known ships of 7th Fleet:
- TCS Antilles (unknown class/type)
- TCS Belarus, Battleship
- TCS Malta, Battleship
- At least two other, unnamed Battleships
- TCS Coral Sea, Carrier ("the fleet's heaviest carrier")
- TCS Concordia, Carrier

Known ships of Task Force 21:
- TCS Ark Royal, Carrier
- TCS Yorkshire, Battleship
- TCS North Carolina, Battleship
- Cruiser Squadron
- TCS Hermes, Frigate
- TCS Masada, Frigate
- Three other Frigates

Post McAuliffe
- P.342 mentions three other naval groups of indeterminate composition: Task Force 3, Task Force 19 and Task Force 42, but with Banbridge indicating that only three carriers are in active service 30 days after McAuliffe (plus Ark Royal, which is beginning a six-month overhaul), it could be that each task force is built around one of the remaining carriers.