Thank you

Thank you to all who help me with freelancer so far. Just quick check of something i read in a faq on Gamefags. I read that once in Breotina you can go pretty anywhere (i.e. Omega 5) true?
What do you mean? In theory you can go anywhere anytime.. but the high level people will kill you. Just making it to the Bretonia area in the story is not nearly high level enough to access most of the map.
Well as far as I know you are not allowed to enter each "new" region until it is unlocked for you. After mission 2, you can go anywhere in Liberty. Once you flee to Brettonia, you are able to go anywhere in Brettonia as well. Then you go to Kusari, then Rheinland, and you can go anywhere in the game world once you have completed the campaign (with the Dyson sphere mission).
Well I'm not saying your wrong. But In Briteonia i was able to goes tau systems, cortez and such. My question after mission 2 our we allowed to go anywhere side texas,colorado,california? and two, after we get loot off wrecks in sp can we go back again?