Texturing WCP ships

Converting ships with multiple textures is pretty much the exact same proccess, just have to convert them to mat in the correct order...

A portuguese version would be easy to do. You're from São Paulo right? Im from Santos ;).
Originally posted by KillerWave
Converting ships with multiple textures is pretty much the exact same proccess, just have to convert them to mat in the correct order...

Sounds easy, but I'm not very smart ;) I make stuff that looks good, but that's about the extent of my capabilities. :p

Perhaps you two should combine your forces, then :). What model could possibly defeat such an alliance? :D
Guys, Try using Vegastrike. The engine is getting very complex, cloaking + scripted missions are in, and terrain is 95% coded.
Hey, wait a minute... SO doesn't have a simulator?! I seem to remember it having one, but now that I just re installed it, there ain't no sim here. :confused:

And no cool ship viewer either, but that doesn't matter, in Prophecy my custom models don't show up there anyway :(

Darkmage, VS ain't near finished, so I really wouldn't expect anyone to abandon WCP just yet :p.

Eder, both ship viewer and sim can be arranged - although sim is much easier - just go to Locke's page, and download the patch for it :). As for the ship viewer, as I recall the series code itself would have to be changed. And one of the other files then needs to be altered so that it shows the right ships.
Eh, who the hell told you that? ;)

Anyway, I've seen your designs, and here are my thoughts on them. Keep in mind that I'm probably being overly critical :p

The Dagger looks great, it looks like sort of a mix between the Arrow and Stiletto. There are some things I didn't like, though:
-The cockpit is waaaay to big. I would make it about half of its current size... you know that black stripe around the nose? That's where the back end of the cockpit should be, in my opinion... maybe you could stretch it a little more to the back, but right now it's definitely too big.
-The wingtips (the black and blue areas) look "bent" upwards like a smooth curve... I think they would look better if they were "folded" updwards, more like an "L" (think of the Hellcat's wingtips, but upside-down). Other than these points, I really like this design.

Now for the Snipe... Its cockpit also should be smaller, specially since medium fighters are usually big. Also, the ship should be more bulky... notice how all WC fighters, apart from the Ferret, Arrow, and Piranha, have a pretty big hull, with engine intakes, and large bellies...

You should try adding some more detail to the body of the ship, like some extra intakes, some detail to the wings, or something else that made the ship look more bulky than simply a cylinder with square wings.

By the way, I like the idea of an engine intake under the cockpit, like the British WW2 Typhoon fighters... but I've tried dozens of times, and never managed to design a space ship that used this idea well... and I think this is the problem with the Snipe: having a central intake right on the nose of the ship limitates the shape of the body; there's not much you can do to make the ship look bigger and bulkier without having to change the way that intake looks.

Hope that helps,
wicked....... so i need to make the cocpit smaller.. loel. the air intake concept was actually conceived from the F16 eagle intake.... the snipe was based on a 1950s mig..... but i do agre that the central air intake limits the shape somewhat... its in a simple stage at the moment, and im a bit hesitant modify it, since i dont want to lose the agressive and angular look :). even so, the russians pulled it off with their 3 million different migs. the wing tips on the Dagger are meant to not be quite 90 degrees, since it was originally like that..... and the wing just didnt look correct, i needed to soften up the lines of the oncoming silohette (you know what i mean) the thing that i was concerned about with the snipe was the fact that the pilot would be sitting in the air intake doh!! more detail on the snipe is on its way, as i need to redraw out the plan and modify it...... dont i have to worry about the polycount? its on 800 odd polys already, i think.... well most of my ships are on that anyway.... i have another 2/3 to texture!!!
more update later, im busy
Originally posted by Basilisk
the snipe was based on a 1950s mig.....
Mmm, yes, the good old MiG-17 :).

Regarding the poly count, try to keep under 1000 if possible, although we've seen WCP handle 1200, and nobody really knows what the limit is, so don't worry excessively about it.
Actually the poly count limit is around 1200. Maybe a few more polys, i got a ship with ~1207 polys. More than that will mostly make SO to crash.
isn't near finished? it's at BETA stage, there isn't too much more left to do, a basic campaign can already be created, and more advanced stuff is being added now. you can alreadfy cloak, missiles,guns, TERRAIN, etc.
Just because there is a beta, that doesnt mean its nearly finished...
But from what i've seen in this beta, no offense, just my opnion (i thinks its already great), but i still think it needs a better AI, ships are too low detail, a better hud, the possibility to send comms bettween ships and issue orders, capship component damage, better gameplay (enemy ships move to quickly, while keyboard controls are slugish), ships lauching, landing, jumping and some other stuff.
Furthermore, it is missing even the most basic menu/gameflow system - right now, the game is all spaceflight. And, last but not least, it needs support for a wider range of graphics cards. There are many cards out there which do not fully support OpenGL, and thus struggle with VS. I'm sure that this problem will disappear for me once I finally buy a new computer, but I rather doubt that I'm the only one with this sort of problem. Now, if VS supported Direct3D... that would be another story, because it would be compatible with virtually everything. KW says VS is already great - I'm sure I'd say the same thing, if the game actually worked properly on my computer.
so am i effectively helping out with this then(terrain)? if so, what else could i do for you lot? or am i just sticking my nose in?
Oh, indeed you are - the terrain works very well :). Only trouble is, this was just an experiment. Since it's far too late to use terrain missions in UE, we need to now work out what to do with them. Perhaps KW's B5 mod... ;)
In the meantime, maybe you could try designing a few buildings that could be placed in the terrain?

BTW, KW - how many times is the terrain in WCP bigger than the original model?
i could do buildings..... no problem. what sort of buildings? if you give me the mission specs, i can design a building or two on the same level, so its more fitting than going "erm... this building here" are these mesh designs too? i would like to incorperate some of my craft too, but i need to find the appropirate editors to do so. :) nice to be a part of something :)