Terran Confederation

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ok..slap me cuz i looked at the page just to see what these goofy kids are up to. i dont know of any real life confederation..just looks to me like some starcraft clan with a bunch of kids with too much time on their hands and mixed WC and SW. i wonder if they got permission from the 501st legion to use the pictures they have on the web site? any way..those pictures are retarded to say the least. and dont get me started on their salutes...makes me wanna get up in their face.

i actually enjoyed those posts...lol...anyway...um...
idk what to say... we are real...we actually had a kid get killed in a battle...sad...but true...

anyway, i'm not a kid... i'm 14... lol... yell at the Admiral O.T.T.C. Huff.... he made it in 1996 i think and i joined 1998. also... starcraft clan started a year ago...and has almost no relation to real life, the ships thing...well...idk...thats more of a dream we have...if it were possible...u-know?

oh...and that was the day with my bad haircut, my ugly bleach and i just came off being sick...so...yea...the pick is uglie...look at spencer and flarity...lol
Bandit LOAF said:
Wing Commander III isn't ten years old.

Damn . . well . . It was somewhere along in there. It was right after WC3 was released for Dos. I couldn't have been much older than eleven . . . thirteen at the most.

TopGun said:
What did the other kids go as?

I don't remember exactly. We were supposed to come as characters from books. Don't remember if the wc3 novel was out yet or not, but I remember knowing that it was going to be out. Other kids went as the Hardy Boys, or Sherlock Holmes, or pirates or something. I won the $5 prize for having the best costume. I have the picture somewhere of me in the flight suit with that ugly black motorcycle helmet (it wasn't canon at all). It was at the end of the school day, and I looked like I'd been flying for hours. My hair was a wreck and I was really tired. It was pretty sad.
Look who's back! Me! I'm such an idiot, I forgot my password and forgot I saved it on my computer. And if you want to yell at Admiral Huff, yell at me. I'm him. I started the Confederation 8 years ago. Hell, it wasn't even called the Confed. I wanted the Imperial March cause it was a common thing and besides, I like it. I'm gonna try and get the Wing Commander Soundtrack, and put the Wing Commander Overture. And give me a break, I made this site in my spare time, and you must admit, it's not bad for an amateur. :D My pic is many months old, same with Kaczynaski's. We really need to get them updated.....Anyway, I'm back!
Hell, I don't know why we did that in the first place. He wants to get a new picture today, he said that in that one he was sick, his bleach was coming out, etc. And yeah, it'd be real cool if the SDF-1 took on the Midway (SDF-1 would win, with its main gun and all).
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