Terminus - Anyone Played it?

I will be there next year...

...unless Dengar gets me first...
I don't really understand where we're off topic. This is about the most Wing Commander related post in the off topic zone.
And very much on topic... it seems Terminus is a WC-clone and... lo and behold, they're talking about WC-clones! Oh! Shock horror! ;)
No, we're talking about how we're trashing the discs of Wing Commander clones.. which happens to be an activity that takes place to great fanfare at the annual Wing Commander fan gathering in Atlanta.
Originally posted by Mystery muppet
Whatever, it wasn't what this topic was about in the first place, was it?

As is quote obvious, the thread was about Terminus.. we shifted it slightly to talk about how Terminus was a good game to smash at the annual Wing Commander fan gathering. Then you started coming in and changing the discussion to what qualifies as on topic.
Just wondering, where's the original pic from? That's a really cool perspective - you don't want to mess with Arnie. :)
I'm not sure.. found it at a forum months ago. Came in handy last week so I remembered it for here. At another forum on September 11 someone posted a big "I can't take it anymore! I'm sick of all this 9/11 memorial crap!" post. And that picture was the perfect reply.
He had a point, you know. WTC's fall seems to overshadow a couple of other events on other 11th Septembers, not to mention other stuff going on all the time... But discussing that would be a stray. *COUGH!!!!*