time I posted on this...
Just saw the movie tonigh (UK premier) and here are my thoughts being a pretty big fan of the Terminator movies, I'll start with the bad as I preffer to end on a high note:
End showdown virtually non existant, the T-X and Arnie needed a real end to eachother
Extension of the previous point, too little emphasis on the T-X, sometimes you completley forgot she was after them, there was NO sense of fear, her scenes were minimal and short lived. The military robots distracted from her also, it would have made little difference to the plot if she weren't even there.
Plot was too scattered, too much focus on taking down skynet when it was impossible to do so
Original score completley missing, minimalist music was a mistake
Acting from Johns future wife was plain horrible, and don't even get me started on her fathers death scene.
Coincidence of the Terminator finding John and his future wife in the same place at the same time, conincidence of the T-X finding them in the bunker, conincidence of arnie landing on her, conincidence of particle accelerator, too many conincidences.
Not enough gore for a movie centred around killing machines, we can live with a higher rating, most of the fans are adults.
Now the good!
Fantastic car chase sequence
It was genuinley funny, the audience laughed out loud on several occassions.
John Connor wasn't an annoying bratt you wanted to kill YOURSELF, and he could ACT!
T-X was HOT! (sorry had to be said)
Ending was clever and set up the sequels beautifully
The birth of sky net was well done, the birth of an AI could so easily have been made cheesy (Resident Evils AI anyone?

T-X was a genuinley clever fusion of the T-101 and T-1000
The scene with arnie fighting the virus, whilst HEAVILY underexplored (there was so much room for more there) was well acted and well written, well shot, well just perfect
Basically the film felt dumbed down as have been most american films latley (god damn you america for cursing the Bond name with Die Another Day, you wanna mess up bond make ur own films starring Vin Diesel, and what was the Hulk about?!) but it was enjoyable, flawed but enjoyable. Basically above average, below the status of the first 2. I did care if connor died in this one or not unlike T2 and the comedy was less cheesy AND funnier, infact given time I may preffer this to T2 but its becoming clear to me the greatness of T1 will never be surpassed.